Monday, June 11, 2018

Is God Really Love?

Purple 5 Petaled Flower Close Up Photography

Wounded people, in an imperfect world, allow the negative consequences of horrific crimes, which crush their innocence, to shroud them with anger and depression, and at times, to take their life.

Wondering how a loving God can allow such atrocities and insults to happen to good people (1 John 4;8; Job 1:6-12), we rail against Him, doubt His power, and accuse Him of impotence and vengefulness.

We take these occurrences to mean that God is not on our side, and that He does not care (1 Peter 5:7); when all along, He is just as grieved as we are over the consequences of a sin-cursed world (Jeremiah 8:21-22).

From the beginning, God's plan is for us to live with Him in Paradise. Adam and Eve believed Satan's lies and chose to do things their own way. They lost Paradise for us for a time.

All of humanity now reaps the consequences of the first couple's choices (Romans 5:12). Yet, God provided a way of salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus will restore Paradise to authentic Believers for all of eternity (Revelation 21 & 22).

All He asks is for any willing person to humble his/herself and to believe in Jesus' atoning work of Calvary's cross on our behalf (Romans 6:23). He paid our sin-debt for us, and He cares about every aspect of our life (Galatians 3:13-15).

As we trust in God's goodness, this changes our perspective on our circumstances. We notice that He always plants a seed for a miracle in every trial that we experience. We have no doubt that He will bless us in spite of the events in this world (Job 42:11).

We mature spiritually as we maintain our faith in God's faithfulness, as well as His love for us. As we continually worship in His presence in our spirit, our love relationship and unity with Him multiplies (Galatians 2:20).

Father God, thank You for forgiving our doubt and helping us to believe in Your process for our life (Mark 9:24). Circumstances may not be what we hope for or want, but You work them out so that they are even better than we could have imagined or produced in our human efforts. Thank You for sustaining us through these trying times by Your goodness and grace.

We long to learn to rejoice in our tribulation (Job 1:21), and to trust in Your ways and purposes, which are so much higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). Remind us to cast all of our cares on You, because You certainly care about every aspect of our life (1 Peter 5:7-9). You are our all sufficiency and our provider through every trial (2 Corinthians 3:5, 12:9). We love You and thank You for Your everlasting love for us (Romans 8:35-39).

Thought for the Day:
Filled with God's Spirit, Christ in us brings good news to the poor, binds up the brokenhearted, proclaims liberty to the captives and opens doors for those of us who are in bondage and wounded from events in our past and/or our current life.
- Isaiah 61:1; Psalm 30:2; Jeremiah 30:17; 1 Peter 5:10