Saturday, June 9, 2018

God's Loving Grace

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God's grace is all that we need for a fulfilled Christian life, because His power is made perfect when we are weak, humble, and surrendered to His Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 12:9).

When we realize how frail, clueless, backward, and lacking that we are, we can rejoice; because Christ in us is always enough. He gives us the power, wisdom, boldness, and anointing that we need in order to accomplish all that He calls us to do.

God does not focus on our accomplishments, talents, successes, popularity, Bible knowledge, or bank account. His priority is that we love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength (Luke 10:27), as well as other Believers and the human race all around us, just like He does (Mark 12:29-31).

His unconditional love fills us, so that we can express it to those He brings our way. Sharing God's love is more than a feeling, and more than an action, it is a permanent objective that we adopt into our lifestyle.

Love is one of the fruit that God's Spirit's works into our soul - our thoughts, feelings and choices (1 Corinthians 13:4). It is a characteristic of Christ's divinity within us. God's love is gracious, considerate, merciful and empathetic toward a broken world (Luke 6:36-42).

God's grace is sufficient to see us through any issue that we may face. His Spirit frees us from our paralyzing uncertainty and self-doubt. He even uses our biggest flaws, as He turns them into our most amazing ministry.

Through Christ in us, we are more than enough. We are also more than conquerors by the power of God's Holy Spirit (Romans 8:37). The Holy Spirit's comfort, guidance and sanctification is only a prayer away.

As we come to God as little children, open and honest and guileless, He opens His arms wide in acceptance of us just the way we are (Mark 9:37, 10:14-15).

Father God, one reason that we love You is that You loved us first - even while we were still lost in sin (Romans 5:8). You gave us Your only begotten Son, Jesus, so that if we humble our self and believe in Him, we shall not live in eternal damnation (John 3:16-18). Instead, we will enjoy Your abundant, eternal life forever (Galatians 3:26-27).

Through Jesus, we are Your children - by faith in His redemptive work on Calvary's cross. Thank You for the opportunity to be baptized into Christ, and to clothe our self completely with His divine nature (Hebrews 11:11; 2 Peter 1:4). We revel in Your faithfulness to us, because You always fulfill Your promises (Romans 10:10).

Thought for the Day:
It is with our heart that we believe that Jesus justifies us with His life, and it is with our mouth that we profess our faith in His faithfulness to save us completely and utterly. - John 6:35