Saturday, June 23, 2018

Walking in the Spirit of God

Brown Wooden Door Near Green Plant Outside the House

Busyness is the bane of today's society, especially if we have young children. We work all day and drive them around all afternoon and evening to dance, music, and sporting practice and events.

Even if we are retired, we can still be disproportionately and excessively busy. We think that busyness is a virtue, and we thrive on the attention and accolades we receive for the fruit of our labors.

We get sidetracked, breathless, lacking in peace, and rarely in the center of God's rest. We feel "less than" or shamed, if we do not participate in every activity planned by our church family.

Of course, the fellowship and ministry are always worth our effort; but, at times, we take on too much, because others do not volunteer to help at all. Some people are too shy to speak up, and just need to be asked.

Overachieving is a characteristic of many personality types, because we want to feel valuable, helpful, effective, and needed.  Yet, we can be all of these virtues without living outside of God's will for us.

When we walk in the Spirit, we have peace, joy, fulfillment and direction in each moment of our endeavors. We see abundant fruit from our efforts; and we breathe deeply and relax, which releases all of our tension and anxiety.

Someone said, "We are human BE-ings, not human DO-ings." God exhorts us to "BE STILL, and know that He is God." (Psalm 46:10). This tiny sentence teaches us that, as we know God intimately, and adopt a meek and gentle spirit, we can relax and allow Him to guide us in His will (1 Peter 3:4; Philippians 4:13).

Biblical precepts do not challenge us to be busy, but to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:15-25). Jesus showed us the example of a man who accomplished so much in His short lifetime.

Yet, He spent a great deal of His time drawn aside from busyness and in focused intimacy with Our Father God. Due to His quiet times, Jesus always carried that inner peace that we all crave - even through His horrid persecution, crucifixion and death on Calvary's cross.

Father God, remind us that rather than imitating a hamster on a caged wheel, You encourage us to wait on You, so that we can spread our wings and fly in the heavenly realm like eagles (Isaiah 40:31). Even as we walk in Your Spirit and accomplish Your will for each moment of our day, we can do so from the position of sitting in Your presence, relaxed and hopeful each moment of the day.

We rejoice in the fact that Jesus calls us to walk with Him in a spiritual life, devoid of stress and inordinate busyness. Remind us that You are on Your throne, and that You have all things in Your control. You love us unconditionally, and we do not have to prove our worth to You. You love and accept us just the way we are, and You gave us Your Spirit to perfect and sanctify us from one stage of Your glory to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Thought for the Day:
God cares for us even more than the lilies in the field and the birds in the air; He will give us His peace throughout our day as we consult Him before every activity in which we plan to participate. - Matthew 6:25-34