Friday, June 22, 2018

No Shame in Fear

Pink Green and Purple Flowers during Daytime

We all desire to act in bold, brave, spirit-led, powerful ways, but this is rarely the case. Our humanity holds us back, and prevents us from walking in the Spirit of God each moment of our day.

Maybe life bombarded us with negative aspects for so long now that we are weary and depressed (Matthew 11:25-30). This is God's way of causing us to run into the shelter under His wings.

God longs for our fellowship (1 John 1:3, 3:24; John 14:23), and He rejoices over us with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17 - I cannot wait to hear God sing!).

We get weary when we attempt to serve God from our inner human resources, rather than by the direction of His Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is better to obey Him, than to sacrifice our time and energy (1 Samuel 15:22-24).

God calls us to believe by faith that He will work out everything for our advantage (Romans 8:28). However, it is okay to waver in our belief, and to ask His help to overcome our unbelief (Mark 9:23-25).

This life is scary at best; and, so often, downright disheartening, due to the consequences of sin in us and all around us. God gave us the emotion of fear, so that we can protect our self from impending doom.

There is no shame in fear; yet, in so many scripture verses, God reminds us that we have no need to fear, because He is our Heavenly Father (Isaiah 41:10; Romans 8:31; Exodus 13:14; Exodus 20:20; etc.).

God increases our strength and fortifies us to reign victoriously through every trial (Isaiah 40:29). Regardless of our circumstances, God is right there with us and in us (Isaiah 43:2; John 14:23).

If God is in our corner, nothing and no one can overcome us (Romans 8:31). He reassures us of His presence, as well as our victory regardless of the outcome of our situation.

If we let Him, God's perfect love will cast out every ounce of fear in our soul (John 4:18). He gives us both His peace and His Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Guide.

Father God, we promise to trust in and to rely only on You (John 14:26-28). Remind us that living responsibly for Your calling on our life will promote feelings of safety and security in our finances, business opportunities, home life, lifestyle, relationships, community, etc.

You gave us Jesus as our peace, and He has broken down every wall that would otherwise hinder us from entering into Your rest, and walking in Your Spirit each moment of our day (Ephesians 2:14). Fill us with the assurance that You have everything under Your control, and that we have no need to fear life's circumstances.

We can embrace tribulation and consider it a joyful opportunity to stand still and see the salvation of God on our behalf.
- James 1:2-4; 2 Chronicles 20:17