Monday, June 4, 2018

Struggling with Fears

 Pink Red Yellow Petaled Flower in Close Up Shot

Faith involves expectations that we hope for: health, financial solvency, intimacy, fulfillment, a vocation we enjoy, etc. We often attempt to accomplish these goals and desire on our own.

Some people are very successful in using their talents to provide a good life for their self and their family. They achieve a high level of success, but they usually admit that something is missing.

We all have a spiritual side that, thanks to Adam and Eve, is dead in sin (Colossians 2:13; Romans 5:12-21). The Good News here is that God loves us even in our sinful state and He provided His only begotten Son, Jesus, to pay our penalty for those sins (John 3:16-18; Romans 5:8).

The only requirement on us is that we believe this Gospel by faith, trust Jesus with our life, and obey God - as proof of our love for Him (John 3:16-18, 14:15; Mark 16:16).

We grow in confidence in God's ability to change our life for the better, and to see us through our trials with His peace and joy (1 John 5:4). He may not provide solutions that we expect, but He always provides what we really need (1 Corinthians 16:13).

We have no need to regret the past or fear the future. As we follow the guidance of God's Spirit, through every moment of our day, we use faith to face the unseen and unknown aspects of life.

At times, we doubt God's willingness to work on our behalf. Yet, we soon learn that as we completely surrender our selfish desires to God's will, we live with spiritual abundance in God's presence during each moment of time (1 John 5:13).

Father God, even with Jesus in the midst of the storm with them, the disciples feared that they would perish in the boat. Their thoughts were influenced by the natural circumstances, as are our thoughts so many times (I Timothy 6:11). Teach us to look for the seed for a miracle that you plant in each trial that we face (Mark 9:23).

We look forward to Your mercy, grace and blessings in our life each day. We never know when You are going to surprise us with some special gift that we did not plan and never expected. Remind us that we please You, when we come to You in faith (Hebrews 11:6).

Thought for the Day:
Faith is ineffectual unless it inspires the way we think, feel and act; in every moment of doubt, Jesus will help our unbelief as He heals our broken heart and calm our desperate fears. 
- Romans 1:17; Mark 9:24