Saturday, June 2, 2018

Trusting in God's Goodness

Red and Pin Rosebuds

Our human penchant during the trying times in our life is to worry and to succumb to the overwhelming temptation to feel stress and anxiety. Preparation beforehand will help us to walk in faith and to remain in the rest of God.

Knowing God intimately and living by the direction of His Holy Spirit is a great place to start. We do not have a mere mental knowledge of who Christ is and what He did for us. We abide in an integrated union with Him.

This way when the storms of life assail us, we run to the shelter of His wings (Psalm 91:4). His wisdom guides our choices, and Jesus walks with us through every situation. His love surrounds us, cushioning us from the evil in this world.

Hope infiltrates our spirit, body, and soul - thoughts, feelings and choices. We can smile through the most daunting circumstance. We trust in God's goodness and have faith in His faithfulness.

The God of creation knows us intimately. Even as we stand up, sit down, walk around and go to sleep. He observes every detail of our life. He recognizes all of our habits (Psalm 139:2).

God perceives our current, as well as our future thoughts and words. He puts secure boundaries around us and guides us with His hand. As authentic Believers, there is no place for us to go that could cause us to be out of the protection of His Spirit.

He is in the heavens, the depths of the distant seas, and in the early morning clouds. His hand is right there directing our steps. His light shines like the day even in the darkest times of trials (Psalm 65:5).

Father God, thank You for never leaving or forsaking us (Hebrews 13:5). You saturate even the most daunting issue in our life with Your provision and protection. When bad things happen to us Your peace and joy prevail, as we trust in You and Your love for us.

When we finally realize the depths of security we have in our relationship with You, there is no longer any need for capitulating to thoughts of worry, or allowing stress to destroy our body and soul as it weakens our spirit. We praise You for Your constant devotion to Your Saints, and we give you all the glory for Your wonderful works for the children of men (Psalm 107:31).

Thought for the Day:
We cannot run from God no matter where we go or what we do; and when we realize the benefits of abiding in Christ each moment of our day, we stop running away and start sprinting toward our Father God with all our might. - Psalm 139:7