Monday, November 25, 2019

A Good Marriage - Maintaining a Godly Focus

focus photography of pink petaled flower at daytime

One way to maintain God's focus on our relationship with our spouse is to make a list at the end of the day of everything they did to support us in any way, even those things which we often take for granted and come to expect; and then, we take time to let our spouse know what we appreciate about them (Philippians 4:8).

This way we defeat Satan's efforts to make us focus on the negative aspects that occurred. None of us is perfect, and we all make mistakes and have our peculiarities. We all have room for improvement, so we can make forgiveness a regular part of our daily routine.

Remembering that their intention is not to cause problems for us, but to communicate their true feelings with us, as well as to support and to love us, allows us to show more grace to one another. We can forgive any slights, and look forward to coming home to our spouse every day.

In our discussions about our problems, we waste our time by attempting to convince our spouse that they were at fault and we are the innocent bystander. We accomplish much more by remembering that we are partners, and we are here to work out a mutually satisfying solution to any issue.

We can take ownership for the mistakes we made to cause this situation, and apologize to one another. If they misunderstood our tone, intent or motives, we can express regret and articulate our thoughts in another way to help them to understand.

Making a fresh commitment to our relationship every day gives us the courage to do whatever it takes to repair any breach in our unity. This enables us to grow more intimate with each other and to have more compassion for any oversight or misjudgment on their part.

Father God, remind us that we are in the midst of a battle of spiritual warfare every day of our marriage. Satan is always looking for ways to divide us and to destroy our unity. Help us to draw together as a couple and to present a united front as we face any disagreements or problems. We can always find an alternative solution that we both agree on for any issue that arises.

Teach us how to accept each other as we are, to have patience with each other's weaknesses, and to encourage one another's strengths. Remind us to discover our mate's love language, rather than to love them in our own way. This helps our efforts to grow more intimate with each other and to foster a deeper sense of friendship and support. We want to walk in Your ways and to follow Your Spirit's direction each and every day.

Thought for the Day:
Discovering our mate's love language, and using that to show our love to them, increases our ability to improve our marital unity, and to let our spouse know how much we appreciate and cherish them in our life.