Wednesday, November 27, 2019

God Restores Our Broken Pieces

bird flying under the sky

God's light filters through the cracks in broken lives, as He heals the pieces of our devastated life. If we spend our time attempting to fill in the gaps of our own life - with trinkets, junkets and markets - we leave no room for His healing Light, Hope and Recovery.

Our salvation lies in Christ, whose Spirit is ready to redeem us by His blood, regenerate us with His sanctification, and fill us with His presence. Once we humble our self and ask for forgiveness for our sins, God's Spirit perfects us from one stage of glory to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18).

God's unconditional love draws us to Himself, and we learn to rest in His love, peace and joy. We realize that His desire is to bless us, and we look for the seed for a miracle that He plants within the soil of each trial we experience. God is worthy of our trust (Psalm 20:7; 1 Timothy 4:10).

As He heals our broken fragments, God makes us stronger than we were before the tribulation. Set-backs as well as millstones, which hang around our neck, become milestones in our walk with the Lord. He gives us the victory regardless of our natural abilities, talents and wisdom.

God's Word is full of examples of Him using brokenness for His glory. Broken clay pitchers in Gideon's victory, a broken rooftop for friends to lower their loved one down for healing by Jesus, a little boy's broken lunch to feed the multitudes, a broken boat to direct Paul to his next place of ministry, etc.

God uses our brokenness as well. Fighting our pain keeps our focus on our issues, embracing our trauma and fully feeling it - even crying over it - allows us to expend its energy. Tears wash away our pain, and looking to God for healing gives us supernatural hope that lasts a lifetime.

Father God, remind us that in this imperfect, sin-cursed world we are either coming out of a trial, going into a test, or there is an uphill climb just waiting for us around the corner. Through it all, we can trust in You with our whole heart (Proverbs 3:5-6), looking for the miracle that You send with each negative experience.

We give You the glory for Your loving kindness and constant provision for our life. Teach us to rejoice in our tribulation (Romans 5:3), and to totally surrender each aspect of our life to You. We want to learn to cast our cares on Your capable shoulders, because we know without a doubt that You truly care for us (1 Peter 5:7).

Thought for the Day:
In our anguish, as we cry out to the Lord, He hears us; when we wait patiently for the Lord, He walks with us and in us through our issues; as we unreservedly trust in Him, He sets our feet firmly on the Rock of Christ as our firm, immovable foundation.
- Psalm 40:1-3