Wednesday, November 20, 2019

God's Enduring Love

closeup photo of Christmas tree with ornament and lighted lights

We all know that Jesus died to pay the penalty of the sin of the whole world (John 3:16-17). However, have you ever taken responsibility for the part that your personal sins played in those events? That narrows it down, doesn't it; a virtual slap in the face that sobers us up quickly and shockingly.

It is our individual fault that Jesus suffered, felt abandoned and died. I have one-piece Nativity sets in every room of my house, because they are all constant reminders to me of what my sin did to Jesus. I diligently shrink away from anything coarse and unrighteous.

Jesus had to leave His place in glory, to suffer the calamity of humanity for 33 years, and to face the hatred and rejection of almost everyone in His life. He endured the horrendous suffering of persecution, fake trials, and crucifixion for my sake and yours.

During His lifetime, Jesus attempted to convince the religious leaders, as well as the multitudes, that He was God in the flesh; however, only a few, then as now, actually believed in Him and trusted Him with their life (Proverbs 3:5-6).

The seeds of His words did not fall on fertile soil in the hearts of those around Him (Mark 4:8). Witnessing His miracles had no lasting effect on the multitudes. He was despised and rejected by people who needed His love (Isaiah 53:3), even some of His own family members. We experience this in our life too.

Eventually, Jesus triumphed over both sin and death (Romans 5:17), making a way for authentic Believers to enjoy an intimate union with Him during our lifetime, and also to spend eternity with Him. He is only a prayer away, if we humble our self and call upon His name.

The most unthinkable consequence of my sins caused Jesus to be abandoned by our Father's presence while He became sin for me. I could not survive the trials of life if God removed His presence from me. I depend on His constant fellowship and guidance each moment of my day.

Father God, open our eyes to our culpability for the things that Jesus suffered, and help us to take personal responsibility for what our own sins did to Him. Cause this truth to penetrate the shield that we often place around our heart, and break us with the weight of how our thoughts, words and actions drove those nails in His body, hung Him to suffocate on that cross, and caused His side to be pierced by the soldier's spear.

What I find the most repulsive is that my sins caused Him to lose the fellowship of Your presence when He became sin for me. Thank You for forgiving me, and for sending Your only begotten Son to sacrifice His life on our behalf, for His faithful union with us through each moment of our day, and for His promise of an eternity to enjoy His physical presence as we serve Him in His Kingdom. We sing praises to His glorious name now and forever, and we look forward to serving You for eternity.

Thought for the Day:
Our Rock of Ages is an ever-present help for us in our time of need (Isaiah 26:4); but if we only seek His provision, we will never be happy; however, if we seek Him and His presence in our life, we will live a fulfilled life regardless of our circumstances.