Friday, November 29, 2019

Gods Word is a Light and Lamp

wheat field under clear blue sky

God is our Shepherd, and He will always provide for us what we need. We have His provision, protection, peace, healing, refreshment, restoration and comfort (Psalm 23). He never leaves or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5).

Although we have tribulation in this world, we are also hidden with Christ in God (John 16:33; Colossians 3:3). He clutches us securely in His hand, hides us under His wings, and gives us safety as our strong tower. This union gives us peace in the midst of every trial (Proverbs 18:10; Psalm 23, 91; Isaiah 41:13).

When our time comes to leave this earthly realm and to enter into God's presence, He causes this to happen without any pause between earth and heaven. Our body dies and goes to the grave, but our soul and spirit are immediately with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). We never actually die (John 11:26).

As we travel His path for us in this earthly realm, we rely heavily on His Word to advise us, to increase our hope, and to allow His peace to sustain us - which has nothing to do with our circumstances (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). We set our heart on His face and live in His joy.

God's Word is a lamp to keep our feet from stumbling back into sin, and a light to guide our way as we walk by the direction of His Holy Spirit (Psalm 119:105). As we immerse our self in the life-giving words of the Bible, we start to view everything in our life from God's perspective.

Skipping a day of reading the Bible will become a habit if we are not careful. This allows Satan to have more of an influence in our life than God does (Colossians 3:5-9). The devil will fill our time with more TV, ungodly music, unsavory friendships, unhealthy habits, unwise choices, etc. in order to further draw us away from God (Proverbs 13:20).

Feasting on God's Word every day of our life keeps us strong and healthy in body, soul and spirit (Psalm 16:8). We focus our mind on spiritual matters, more than on worldly concerns (Colossians 3:2). This eliminates the abundance of stress, fears and anxiety from our life (Philippians 4:6).

Father God, help us to overcome every thought, word or deed that does not line up with Your Word. We want You to control us as we submit to Your Spirit's guidance each moment of the day. You lead us to enjoy the wholesome activities of this life, to join the church where You need us to serve You, to work at the vocation to which You call us, etc. We want to make a difference in our world for Your Kingdom.

Teach us to love - with Your unconditional, agape love - our mate, children, extended family, and church family, as well as strangers that You bring into our life. Be the Lord of our thoughts, words, emotions, choices and behavior all the days of our life as we continually focus on You and Your plans for us (Proverbs 9:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17).

Thought for the Day:
When we realize the magnitude of our position of being hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 2:3), we die to the desire to sin, and we make God's Kingdom our complete focus; this affects our thoughts, emotions, fulfillment, success, and prosperity in this life as it also assures our place in God's eternal family.