Friday, November 15, 2019

Legislating Desolation

waterfall surrounded with trees

Have you noticed that our legislative branches are legalizing the destruction of humanity? Planned murder, drug addiction, deviant sexual behavior, etc. In addition, we took prayer and Bibles out of our schools, are considering Biblical principles as "hate" crimes, etc.

We are on a downhill spiral that spells disaster for the human race. Yet, so many of our citizens and those in government are cheering on what they see as freedoms for a woman to choose, for everyone to legally access addictive drugs, for boys and girls to decide their sexual orientation, etc.

However, each of these lifestyle choices brings devastation to people in one way or another. Ill health in spirit, body and soul - our thoughts, choices and emotions - plague most of society. Addictive prescriptions and psychological therapy are a common part of our everyday life now.

True freedom comes from living in the center of God's plans for us, which He designed before we were ever born (Ephesians 2:8-10). He does not give us a detailed roadmap, but His Word gives us inspiration, instruction, and ineffable joy and peace throughout our daily walk.

Wherever we live, whatever our vocation is, and regardless of our looks, abilities, social class, educational achievements, or financial balance, etc., God loves us - even in the midst of our immoral decisions, unwise choices and self-centered motives (1 John 4:19; Romans 5:8).

Our Father God wants us to join His family by turning away from our sins and moving toward His love, provision, strength and wisdom. We stop the downward spiral in our life when we look up into His wonderful face. Inconceivable blessings fill our life from this point forward.

God plants a seed for a miracle in every trial that we encounter, and He personally walks in us and with us through each one of them. His Holy Spirit sanctifies our body, soul and spirit and we mature spiritually from one stage of glory to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Father God, satanic lies and the allure of the world make it almost impossible to surrender our human desires, goals and motives to Your Trinity. However, once we realize without any doubt that Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf is personal and real, we jump ship without a second thought.

This opens Your windows of heaven for us, heals our fears and insecurities, and changes the way we think and feel about life. Remind us that You have perfect plans for us, filled with Your peace that transcends all human perspective and abilities. You make Your light shine on us, and You give us every good and perfect gift (Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 4:7-9; James 1:17).

Thought for the Day:
Jesus left His place in Heaven to take on the form of a man, to suffer everything in this life that we do, to open the door for us into the Heavenly realm, and to give us eternity in God's presence, which starts the moment that we submit our life to His calling for us.
- Hebrews 4:13; Philippians 2:7