Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Lord is our Abundant Supply

photo snowcap mountain covered with clouds

The Lord is our abundant supply, and He pours out His blessings as we walk in His ways. We entreat His favor with our whole heart, and His mercy is bountiful to us with each new day (Lamentations 3:22-23). Our Emanuel truly loves us (Matthew 1:23).

Since the whole earth is full of His mercy, we fellowship with other authentic Believers, receive and teach His Word, and accept His righteous judgments. Seeking first His Kingdom and holiness allows Him to provide us with our every need (Psalm 119:57-64; Matthew 6:33)

Even when we wake in the middle of the night, we give Him thanks for who He is and all that He does for us. When we keep His laws, consider our ways, and turn our feet toward His plans for our life, He sets us free from the cords of the devil, which bind us.

Satan delights in using our stressed out life, unfit body, exhausted emotions, and mental fatigue to create hindrances in our road to intimacy with God. We steadily grow apathetic, weary, lazy, tired and listless.

Dropping out of areas of our service for Him, we also neglect our wondrous salvation (Hebrews 2:3), feast less on His Word, discard our times of prayer, overly plan our schedule, and find other things to take the place of our times of ministry for His service.

Yet, waiting on the Lord is as important to our soul and spirit as breathing is to our body. Sometimes, God does not come right away when we call to Him. We tend to blame our self, and it may happen that sin in us is blocking our communication with God at that moment.

However, at other times, God withdraws from us in order to cause us to run harder after Him, (Psalm 42:1). He delights in hanging out with us. Like a branch connected to the Vine of Christ, we draw our nourishment from Him and allow Him to use us to bear abundant fruit for Him.

Father God, we have several options other than waiting on You. We can do what is right in our own eyes, make our own choices in order to serve our own best interests as we pursue our own plans, or we can follow the whim and expectations of some significant person in our life. At times, we can even pursue religious activities and still live outside of Your will for us (Matthew 7:22-23)

Jesus would do nothing of Himself, but only what He saw You doing (John 5:19). Once we realize that we are helpless without You leading each moment of our day, we come to realize that this is a vital key to living a fulfilled life. When we wait on You, we find courage, hope and strength (Psalms 27:14; Proverbs 8:34; Psalm 130:5). Help us to make a commitment to allow You to use us to change the world around us - one life at a time.  

Thought for the Day:
In order to walk in God’s precepts, we answer His call to choose to sit alone with Him and listen to His voice, to read His Word, to sing His praises, and to give thanks to Him in and for all things; if we seek God first, He will add everything to us that we need.
- Matthew 6:33