Sunday, May 3, 2020

A Good Marriage - Benefits of a Unified Marriage

brown wooden house near the tree poster

A unified marriage helps us as individuals in so many ways. We are yoked with our best friend, and have a partner to share life's load. Unity helps us to mature spiritually, to enjoy someone with whom we can cry and laugh, to experience a cure for loneliness, to give us a safe place to heal, etc.

Unity enables us to learn to accept one another's foibles and failings, to remove any overbearing expectations, to have patience with each other's faults, and to love one another unconditionally - just as Jesus loves His Bride (Romans 15:7; Ephesians 5:25).

We freely chose to marry our mate for whatever reason motivated our decision; therefore, we can develop the habit of not focusing on mistakes made, disappointments, outburst of anger, opposite personalities, divergent life goals, broken promises, etc.

Instead, we share compassion and acceptance with each other. A unified marriage provides us with a haven in storms, someone to share our laughter, a safe place when life often scares us, the joy of family and belonging, the security of Agape love, a ladder on which to rise above our circumstances, and loving arms to embrace us in our stress and sorrows.

Our mate gives us a sounding board for our questions and concerns, a prayer partner when life threatens to overwhelm us, a companion in the pursuit of holiness, opportunities to purify our soul, chances to allow patience to perfect us, grieving our losses together, and finding fun and playfulness in our daily experiences.

We share a history of decades of togetherness, victories over challenges, joint experiences that we helped each other to overcome, memories that we cherish, and the opportunity to enjoy the fruit of our labors as we grow old together. We actually love, honor, respect and cherish each other for a lifetime.

Father God, as humans, we often focus on our differences, lose patience with one another's frailties, and cultivate disappointments from unintentional slights and hurtful behavior. We also suffer from grave financial losses, experience disrupted personal relationships with our children and extended family, as well as discomfort with members of our church family, and stunted personal growth in so many areas. We often choose to give up. However, this causes us to disappoint You, because You hate divorce and infidelity (Malachi 2:16).

You want a pure and holy Bride for Your Son, free of the habitual stains of sin, and the wrinkles of selfishness, pride and willful disobedience to Your commandments. Create in us a clean heart, and renew a true spirit in us that walks lock-step with Your Holy Spirit each moment of every day (Psalm 51:10-19). Help us to see that adultery and divorce rob us of a lifespan of memories to cherish. We rely only on You, and we look forward to our increasing peace and joy in Your holy presence within us.

Thought for the Day:
When two or more people attempt to dwell together in unity, we often experience more conflict than harmony; therefore, it is vitally important for us to serve one another in love, to accept each other just as we are, and to help each other by lovingly encouraging each other to walk in holiness as God perfects our individual shortcomings.
- Psalm 133:1; Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 1:15-16