Friday, May 29, 2020

Nothing Separates Us from God's Love

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Regardless of whether we live on this earth, or die and join God in heaven, or encounter demons or angels, or drown in our fear for today and our worries about tomorrow, or come up against all of the powers of hell, all authentic Believers are convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love (Romans 8:38-39).

If we succumb to the scary events in this life, they will capture us in their negative force; however, if we trust only in the Lord, He shelters us in His loving arms (Proverbs 29:25). God fights for us, because the battle belongs to Him (Deuteronomy 3:22).

During His lifetime, Jesus continually proved His power over nature, as well as over the enemies of a Christian life. He will continue to prove this to us too, as we have faith in His faithfulness (Mark 4:39-40). He instructs us by His Word and Holy Spirit each moment of our day.

When we trust in Him, God always delivers us in His timing and way (Psalm 34:7). We simply pray to the Lord, and He answers us. He frees us from all of our fears and worries, as we trust in Him with our whole heart - that means … without reservation (Psalm 34:4).

Even in times of suffering and hardship, God rewards us for our faithfulness to Him, eradicating our worries if we relinquish them to Him in prayer, and giving us courage when we are threatened with insurmountable odds (1 Peter 3:14).

He places His right hand on us to keep us safe, admonishes us not to entertain fear, comforts us with the knowledge that He is our Alpha and Omega, and gives us guardian angels to camp out all around us (Revelation 1:17; Mark 5:36; Psalm 91).

Father God, through Christ, who is our whole reason for living, we present our self to You as one alive from the dead (Colossians 3:3-4). We are a living sacrifice, and we want to be acceptable to You (Romans 12:1). We cooperate with Your Spirit's sanctifying work in our life, and we disengage from this world's terrifying circumstances, and focus on Your Kingdom instead.

Help us also to take our eyes off our fear of our future on this earth, and off the results of our human efforts. Teach us to realize that obedience is what You are looking for from us. Remind us that as we fellowship with other Believers, give testimony to the lost world about Your saving grace, study the Bible, pray, and trust You with our whole life, we will flourish like a tree planted by the water.

Thought for the Day:
Our ultimate joy as a human being is that we benefit from a personal relationship with the Living God on a daily basis; although we started out in life as enemies of God, He reconciled us through the saving grace of salvation by the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s Cross.
- Colossians 1:20