Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Good Marriage - Noticing the Little Things

golden gate bridge san francisco california

Over the years of our marriage, we often build up resentment and hold grudges toward one another. We feel more and more irritated over each other's habits. We take for granted the myriad of blessings our mate showers on us each day, and even stop noticing them or showing gratitude for them.

A woman needs her husband to intimately share his thoughts and feeling with her. A man needs his wife to admire what he accomplishes with his life, and especially for her. We need one another's empathy over our trials, and understanding over our shortcomings.

Our mate likes to know that we find him/her physically attractive and that we appreciate their choice of hair and clothing styles. This makes us feel more secure and reassured of our attraction and love toward one another. Wives need to feel cherished, and husbands like to be respected.

Really paying attention to our spouse, looking into one another's eyes, and chatting about what is on our mind - even if it is just for a short period of time every day, helps us to feel validated and shows our concern for each other. We assure our mate of our love for them alone, and we care about his/her concerns.

Date nights do not need to be comprised of expensive dinners and elaborate tickets to art, music, literature or sporting events. A simple meal cooked together and eaten at the dining room table, watching a TV movie afterward or taking a stroll around the neighborhood, or giving each other reciprocal massages may be even more effective.

Love and loyalty motivate us to stay faithful to one another. This protects and strengthens our commitment to each other. We feel more secure and joyful with life in general, when we know that we are unconditionally loved, and that our mate is supporting us and watching out for us.

Father God, give us Your Agape love for each other, and help us to feel compassion for one another and to be attentive to each other's interests. Help us to honestly share with each other what is bothering us at home, at work, at church and in our community. Teach us not to tease or make fun of each other, so that we can be vulnerable with one another without fear.

No one wants to fear belittlement, rejection or abandonment; so help us to decrease our mate's stress by showing sympathy toward their issues inside and outside of our relationship. Teach us how to share with our mate what is bothering us about one another, and to brainstorm together to find alternative behaviors that will not trouble us.

Thought for the Day:
Taking an interest in our spouse's interests makes them feel valued and affirmed; when we put everyone else's needs above the needs of our spouse, we send a signal that others are more important to us than our marriage relationship; so, solving these issues together makes us better partners, community members, and parents.