Monday, May 18, 2020

Beauty from Ashes

green climbing plants growing near wall of building on street in city

I started life as a reticent, melancholy individual that would sacrifice anything in order to gain my parent's approval and love. I developed an addiction to pleasing others due to a codependent attitude, and I often ignored my own necessities in order to meet someone else's needs.

As a teen and young adult, I felt anger toward those who abused me when they were supposed to care for me, anger at God for allowing me to grow up in such a situation, and anger at myself for abandoning myself in the process of trying to earn love and acceptance.

In my mid-life years, I learned that anger is part of the grieving process, and is part of our recovery. Anger at God meant that I truly believed in His existence. I started to use a journal to discover the underlying issues that I needed to face, and from which I needed to heal.

As I grew in my understanding of God's ways, experience taught me that He answers our prayers in His own timing and way (Jeremiah 29:12-13). He knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), and He often answers our prayers with a "No," because to give us what we want would prevent us from receiving all that He has planned for us (Ephesians 2:10).

God gives us beauty from the ashes of our losses, joy from the tears that we shed, and praise in our heart from the heaviness caused by our circumstances in life. He rebuilds our life from the ruins we experienced in our past, repairs the torn fabric of our current existence, and generously supplies all of our needs in the future (Isaiah 61:3-4).

Father God, we humble our self from under Your mighty hand of discipline and trials. We trust that in Your good timing, You will deliver us and lift us up. We give You all of our worries and cares, because we know that You are aware of all of our needs, that You walk through all of our trials with us, and that You will supply for us and nurture us in the midst of all of our concerns.

Teach us to watch out for satanic attacks on our mind, choices and emotions. He is our greatest enemy, and he prowls around tempting us at our most vulnerable times. Help us to stand firm against his assault by teaching us to trust only in You, and not to rely on our human resources (Proverbs 3:5-6). We know that Your Saints around the world are experiencing trials too, and we pray for them as well (1 Peter 5:6-9).

Thought for the Day:
God, our Father, loves us with an everlasting comfort for our heart, and hope for our future that we do not deserve; He helps us as He directs our paths for each new day; therefore, we have no need to feel anxious about our future, since He will take care of us in His own timing and way as we live for Him each moment of our day.
- 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17; Matthew 6:34