Saturday, May 30, 2020

Victory in Life's Hardships

When, over a lifetime, we lose so many people, pets, homes, job and important items that we hold dear, we sometimes feel discouraged, overwhelmed, depressed and hopeless. We compare our life with Job and feel a kinship with this dear Saint of God.

People often come to us with remedies for our troubles, and they give us advice about what they perceive as possible short-comings in our life. They believe that if we just had enough faith, then our life would turn around in our favor.

This is just not true. However, if we realize that God is still at work for us, in us, and through us during the deep, dark valleys, just as He is on our mountain top experiences, then our attitude, thoughts, emotions, and behavior often change to more positive ones, in spite of our horrid circumstances remaining the same (Philippians 4:8).

Sometimes, we want specific results, and we get discouraged when they do not happen. However, God is still meeting our immediate needs, sharing little "hugs" with us throughout the day, and letting His face shine on us to bring us comfort, encouragement, peace and joy in the middle of our storms (Numbers 6:25-26).

At times, we do not hear God or see Him at work, because we take our focus off Him and put it on our troubles instead (Isaiah 26:3; Hebrews 12:2). Jesus promises us trials in this life, but He already overcame similar situations, and He abides within us (John 16:33).

In our greatest troubles and darkest hours, we are never truly alone. Our supposed friends may reject us, Satan may belittle us and attempt to discourage us, but we have a friend in Jesus (Matthew 26:36-46). We find comfort in God's Word, help through His Spirit's guidance, and strength from the presence of His Trinity within us.

Father God, through Your Word, we always find comfort, direction, support and challenges, which sustain us with victory through life's hardships. You always lift us up in our times of need, ease our suffering in our afflictions, and bring us healing in our infirmities. During His time on this sin-filled globe, Your Son knew similar suffering as we do now.

He committed no sin, and often we do not sin either; but life has a way of weighing us down. Jesus had His union with You to comfort Him, except for His nine hours on Calvary's cross where He died to pay our sin debt for each one of us. Help us to trust in You alone during both our trials and our temptations.

Thought for the Day:
Health, financial prosperity, believing that human values are God's will for us, and expecting God's intervention in our life are not signs of God's favor any more than trials and tribulation are a sign of God's disapproval of us; in this world tribulations is part of life, and we find our comfort in God alone.