Friday, May 1, 2020

Attitude of Gratitude

red flowers on red envelope against white surface

We often express thankfulness when someone does a favor for us, gives us a word of encouragement, or when we receive a gift. Our parents may have drilled this reaction into us by constantly reminding us, "What do you have to say?" We learn that it is actually human decency to show appreciation.

What few people realize is that feeling grateful for a kindness or a blessing is healthy for our body and soul. Health professionals tell us that positive feelings, words and actions pay us big dividends. They reduce stress, apprehension, self-doubt, hopelessness, resentment, and other negative emotions.

When we feel grateful, we feel more like eating a well-balanced meal, rather than snacking on the empty calories of high carbohydrate foods. We have the mental and emotional energy to take a walk or to run in the sunshine, to ride our bike, to stroll through nature, to go boating or for a swim, etc.

When we feel grateful, we have fewer mentally induced illnesses, get better rest, plan more fun activities into our schedule, sleep more soundly at night, and have more patience with set-backs in our life or with irritating people with whom we live or work.

Gratitude also increases our energy levels, positive emotions, courage, hope, confidence, joy, peace, positive self-talk, and other positive emotions. In addition, gratitude positively impacts our life as we give the gift of approval, love or encouragement to others.

As a positive, grateful, kind-hearted person, we express gratitude to those around us, and we enjoy deeper friendships, a more intimate marriage, and better relationships with our children, friends, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances, church and extended family members.

Father God, make us a vessel of Your love, not only to those around us, but also to our self. Teach us to encourage our soul by giving our self compliments, showing our self gratitude, encouraging our self for a job well-done, etc. First and foremost, however, we show our gratitude to You for who You are and what You continually do for us.  

As You firmly establish us to have faith in Your faithfulness, we are encouraged by You, which makes us overflow with gratitude (Colossians 2:7). We give thanks to You, because You are always good and benevolent (1 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 92:1). Thank You that even in negative circumstances, You work out everything for our ultimate good, and You give us the victory over and through our circumstances (Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 15:57).

Thought for the Day:
Whatever our day holds, we do everything in the name of Jesus as we give Him thanks, because His loving kindness is everlasting, and we never tire of proclaiming His redemption story.
- Colossians 3:17; Psalm 106:1, 107:1-3