Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Living the Transformed Life


As authentic Believers, we no longer conform to this world, but we are transformed by the renewing of our mind into the mind of Christ. We prove what the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God is for us (Romans 12:2). In Christ, we are a new creation.

We are no longer encumbered by a dead spirit or rotting flesh. They passed away with Christ on Calvary's cross. Now everything is brand new, exciting, and hopeful (2 Corinthians 5:17). God gives us a new heart of flesh, and a spirit that is now Born Again within us (Ezekiel 36:26).

Therefore, because of the mercies of God, we present our body to Him as a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to Him (Romans 12:1). God's Spirit enlightens our understanding, and we realize the hope of His calling on our life, as well as the riches of our inheritance as co-heirs with Jesus (Ephesians 1:18).

There are times when we feel forsaken by Him, or that our circumstances are about to overwhelm us. However, if we change our focus to the confidence that we have in Him, we will have more peace and joy in our life as we trust in Him and His goodness.

God began His good work in us, and He will continue to perform this transformation until we see Jesus face-to-face (Philippians 1:6). He also gave us His Word, which is actually alive, and it is swift to perfect us, and powerful to instruct us.

God's Word is sharper than a two-edged sword; and when we read and study it, it reveals to us the thoughts and intents of our heart (Hebrews 4:12). It divides our carnality from our spirituality, and helps us to bear fruit as branches connected to the Vine of Christ (John 15:5).

Father God, teach us to be sober and vigilant in order to avoid Satan's attempts to devour us (1 Peter 5:8). By using discernment, rather than just believing whatever anyone tells us is true, we are able to recognize false prophets who have infiltrated this world (1 John 4:1). We rejoice that we are justified before You by faith, and that Your peace infiltrates every part of our life (Romans 5:1).

Thank You for changing us into the image of Jesus by Your Spirit, as He transforms us from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). We love the fact that we are already crucified with Christ; and that, although we still have to live in this world, we are not part of it. Due to the faith of Christ in us, we realize that He loves us and gave Himself as a willing offering to pay the penalty of our sins for us (Galatians 2:20).

Thought for the Day:
Jesus is the Word, who dwelled with God from the very beginning, and He has always been and will always be part of the Trinity of God; everything was made by Him, and He holds it all together; He is the true Light of the world, and in Him there is no darkness; when we receive Him as our Savior and Lord, we receive His grace and His glory as our own.
- John 1:1-51