Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Good Marriage - Keep Love Flowing

cascade creek environment fern

Irritations, hurt feelings, disrespect and being taken for granted, etc. are normal feelings in any marriage. Two human beings bonded together in a covenant relationship, or just as roommates, best friends, workmates, or church family will always have rough patches that get on our nerves or hurt us.

It is part of being human. None of us is perfect; we are all flawed people with our own hang-ups and idiosyncrasies. Attempting to change one another is futile. The best of us will try - very hard - to change, but we usually revert back to our old irritating self. These are die-hard habits that are almost impossible to change.

We grow distant from each other, because we feel too vulnerable to share our true feelings; or we sweep unresolved issues under the "rug," trying to ignore them; or we put emotional, and sometimes even physical distance between us and our spouse to protect our feelings, etc. Marriage takes patience and diligence.

We keep the channels of communication open between us by loving our spouse in his/her "love language". Resolving issues pays huge dividends in our relationship. Sometimes, we get too busy and take each other for granted. This neglect is like a malignant cancer that spreads throughout our relationship.

When we pay attention to our mate, we water the seeds of life between us and keep our relationship fresh and growing. We find out how special our mate truly is, and we support them in their endeavors to walk in the Spirit and to accomplish God's will for their life.

Rewarding our mate's attempts to love us with our own "love language" by praising them and showing gratitude, rather than in complaints and rejection, encourages them to continue to meet our needs in ways that truly bless us and increase the flow of love between us.

Father God, teach us how to make a continual search for ways to bless our spouse on a daily basis. Help us not to ever take them for granted, but to thank them for everything they do for us personally or for our common good - both great and small. Remind us to participate in their interests, and to thank them for taking an interest in what we enjoy.

Help us to see the good in one another, rather than to focus on what we dislike. Help us also to accept what we dislike as part of their personality and not to attempt to change them. Remind us to ferret out potential problems that may be causing stress in our relationship, and to resolve them together; because living with pride, unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment are not healthy ways to live in harmony. We trust You to give us a new love for one another with each sunrise.

Thought for the Day:
When we listen to intolerance about our spouse from extended family and friends, or from the devil's temptation to disrupt our unity, we hurt our self as well as our spouse by increasing our discontentment with our union; however, when we look at one another through God's eyes, we start to appreciate His character and divine nature in each other.