Saturday, May 2, 2020

Ultimate Freedom

yellow sunflower in close up photography

Our parents, best friend, spouse, closest relatives, workmates, boss, etc. will say things to us - even in fun and gest - that wound our soul. They are stored in our subconscious mind and debilitate our soul, as well as affect our health and behavior when they are triggered by current events in our life.

These subconscious thoughts are influencing our thoughts, words and deeds every day of our life. These lies originated since our infancy, and even these old issues continue to affect us to this day. Many are lies spoken to us by the devil, the world, and our caretakers from our past.

One of the most effective tools for discerning our thoughts and the intents of our heart (Hebrews 4:12) is to take time to regularly jot down a searching inventory of the concerns on our mind, and the emotions that these thoughts are stirring up in our soul.

Keeping a journal is the best way to free our soul of the effects of any negative issues we may discover. Writing them down helps to take them off our mind, and renders them ineffective in influencing our emotions and behavior. This is a very liberating habit to form.

We can also journal positive affirmations that describe how we feel about our self. If we can think of nothing to write, or only a few positive attributes, then we can find our true worth by reading God's thoughts about us in His Word. This helps us to reprogram our negative thoughts.

Journaling helps us to change our negative behavior, which tends to cripple us from reaching God's best for us. When we over-react from these past wounds, they erect walls between us and our loved ones. Therefore, journaling allows us to plan our words and emotions both for the moment and for future interactions with people.

Father God, remind us that a grateful heart fuels positive feelings in our soul, as well as focusing more on what You provide for us each day, rather than on any discontentment we feel that is fueled by our fleshly desires. Help us to see that this practice will increase our ability to concentrate on each moment of our day, to shed the condemnation of our past, and to discard our fears of the future. We want to consult You for Your guidance each moment of our day (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Help us to walk in Your serene peace, abundant joy and unconditional love. Show us in Your Word how to order our thoughts, and to follow Your Spirit to develop these habits as our new routine. This way they will influence our interactions in the challenges and disagreements that will inevitably arise. We trust You with our whole heart, for Your mercies are new every single morning (Lamentations 3:20-25).

Thought for the Day:
As we grew up, we did not have the power to choose our beliefs, habits, and opinions of our self; we were influenced by those in authority over us; however as adults, we can decide which ones we will discard, and which ones we will adopt as our own.