Saturday, January 8, 2022

Factors Promoting Answered Prayer

Birds Eye View of People on Beach during Sunset


When our loved one dies, it means that God healed them for eternity, instead of just in this lifetime on earth. True prayer is a request made to our Father God in Jesus’ name. Our intimate relationship with Him allows us to pray with thanksgiving in our heart (Philippians 4:6-8). We listen to God’s response and follow His will each moment of our day. 


Doubts block answered prayer (2 Corinthians 10:4; James 1:6-7). However, we can use the wisdom of a humble seeker of God and pray, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief” (Mark 9:23-24). In our spirit we believe, however, our soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices - often entertains doubts and lies from our flesh, the world, and satanic forces.


Over time with God, we learn that He delights in delivering us out of our troubles and making us a testimony for the world to see - just like the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace. Jesus met them in the incinerator and kept them safe (Daniel 3: 25). When they emerged, they did not even have any stench from smoke on their clothing. 


God did not answer Mary and Martha’s prayer to heal their brother in their timing, but He allowed Lazarus to die. Jesus later told them that the purpose behind His actions was for God’s glory when He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:14). Sometimes, God just wants us to persevere in prayer. 


Jesus tells a parable about a persistent widow. In it He states that we ought always to pray and not to lose heart (Luke 18:5-8). Our persevering prayers are made through faith in God’s faithfulness, and we never give up or lose hope in His love for us or in His perfect plans for us (James 1:5; Luke 18:1; Mark 11:22-24; Ephesians 2:10). 



Father God, remind us to pray with gratitude in our heart, even before they are answered, because we trust that You will deliver us through every issue we face (Philippians 4:6). Teach us that a key to effectual prayers is to pray according to Your will and not by the direction of our carnal desires or human goals and plans (1 John 5:14-15). We may experience continual trials but remind us that this is because Satan is trying to influence us to give up and to curse God (Job 2:9). 


You love for us to trust You completely with all our needs and to call out to You in our times of trouble (Proverbs 15:8). Teach us that walking in the center of Your will for us allows Your Spirit, and our brother, Jesus, to intercede for us (Romans 8:27). This way our prayers can move mountains because You are behind them (Numbers 11:2). You love us so much, that Your eyes are on each of Your adopted children continually, and Your ears are always alert to our prayers (Psalm 34:15; 1 Peter 3:12).


Thoughts for the Day:

When we pray, we do not get discouraged, but we persevere. Jesus teaches us the importance of persisting in prayer. It is not a lack of faith to pray for something more than once; this is determination. We pray with thanksgiving in our heart to the Lord. With every issue we experienced since dedicating our life to God, we realize that He really has resolved them all - one by one.

- Colossians 4:2-6; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 18:1-5; Romans 12:12