Friday, January 21, 2022

God’s Comfort and Strength

 Aerial Shot of a City Under a Cinematic Sky


Over the years, many books discussed the presence of God in us. One even insinuated that we humans need to practice getting in touch with His presence. We need to practice due to our penchant for following our own humanistic thinking and relying on our own resources, we rarely even consult the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6).


God is everywhere at all times. To Him a thousand of our years is like one single day. For us, one day often seems like a thousand years because it drags on forever and is anything but pleasant (2 Peter 3:8). Since He is omnipresent, God sees us right where we are, with all our trying circumstances and emotional issues (Psalm 33:13).


Jesus know exactly how we are feeling. He identifies with our struggles because He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3). He gives us His abundant hope, joy and peace which fill our soul and spills out on those around us (Psalm 34:18). Our attitude during trials can inspire others to walk with our triune God as well.


God also encourages us to run to Him with every issue we encounter and to trust Him through times of life-altering grief. He walks in us and with us as He surrounds us through every moment of our day. God also gives us His Word and His church family worldwide to keep us encouraged, motivated, and inspired.


A cheerful heart is better for us than any medication, and it comes from the Spirit of God within us (Proverbs 17:22). His joy is our strength that renews our soul and heals our crushed spirit (Proverbs 17:22). When we confess our sins to one another, and pray for each other, that prayer is effective and powerful to help us to heal from the inside out (James 5:16).



Father God, we praise You, because You are our Father of compassion, comfort, and encouragement in every trouble and trial. Help us to console others in the same manner that You reassure us (2 Corinthians 1:3). Teach us to find our inspiration from Your Word rather than in the counterfeit lies of the world and Satan that tell us to trust our “heart” and our “gut feelings.” They will only lead us astray (Jeremiah 17:9-10).


We want to trust Your Spirit to renew our mind, to transform our worldview and our opinions, and to avail our self to solid Bible teaching and corporate worship with Your Saints (Romans 12:2). Our life is in You, Lord (Colossians 3:3-4), and we find our peace in the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 91:1,4; 63:7). We want to live, move, and have our existence in You (Acts 17:28). We look forward to spending eternity with You in Your new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1-3).


Thoughts for the Day:

Regardless of our circumstances of illnesses, God gives strength to the weary and increase the energy of the weak so that we rise up with wings like eagles who effortlessly soar in the skies. Those who turned away from God for various reasons only hurt themselves. God is always faithful to heal our soul and renew our spirit because He is our Savior, Lord, and Almighty Father, so come back to Him.

-Isaiah 40:29-31; Jeremiah 3:22