Friday, January 7, 2022

We Matter to God

 Green Grass Field Near Mountain


Satan uses our mind to plant lies which will cause doubts and insecurities to rise in our heart. We get trapped in the web of his deception, and our problems rise in quantity and degree. Our worry increases, our anxiety escalates, our peace and joy decrease, and we get grouchier, moodier, and more withdrawn with each passing day.


However, if we have God as our Helper in these issues and in other times of trouble, our hope increases. God made heaven, earth, and the seas and everything in them. Our problems are not difficult for Him to resolve in His own timing and way. He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19), but He keeps every promise to us in His own timing and way. 


God also brings justice to the poor and feeds the hungry. He delivers the oppressed and frees innocent prisoners. He opens the eyes of the blind, lifts burdens from those weary from their load in life, and He protects the aliens and orphans and widows. He even thwarts the plans of the wicked (Psalm 146:5-9).


There is no reason for us to bear the burden of fear and anxiety in any trial we ever experience, because He is our consolation, and He brings us joy (Psalm 94:19). All that He asks is that we come to Him to be healed of our iniquity, diseases and for freedom from the oppression of demonic forces (Luke 6:18; Matthew 8:1-3). 


God guides us by His Spirit and gives us comfort in our afflictions. He gives us His supernatural peace and heals us of our afflictions (John 14:27). We are so in awe of His marvelous works on our behalf that we burst forth with His praises in our heart and on our lips (Isaiah 57:18-19). His greatest gift is His forgiveness of all our sins (Romans 5:6-11).


He miraculously heals us in times of desperate illness and protects us from death until the numbered days of our life are complete (Psalm 90:12-17). His kindness and love protect our thoughts, give us strength like a young eagle, and provide for our needs every day we live (Psalm 103:3-5). He even resolves broken relationships, shattered dreams, our loss of hope, and our weary walk.



Father God, at times You allow our discouragement in life to drive us to our knees so we can look up into your loving face and grow in Your grace and favor as we completely surrender to You. You give us a heart of flesh in place of our heart of stone (Ezekiel 36:26). You bind up our wounds and heal our broken heart (Psalm 147:3). You cover us with mercy and grace, shower us with Your unfailing love, and draw us deeper into our union with Christ in us (Psalm 6:2-4; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:27).


Even when we believe that no one cares about us, that we do not matter, and that we are placed on earth to serve others and to suffer neglect our whole life, You meet us in the night watches and restore our soul (Jeremiah 30:17; Psalm 23:3-4). Our body and soul may fail us, but You are our strength, protector, and provider forever (Psalm 73:26). We thank You for Your continual care for us in every area of our life.


Thoughts for the Day:

Jesus walked the streets of the towns throughout Galilee and taught the crowds about God’s Kingdom, He performed mighty miracles of healing, and He delivered the tormented from satanic bondage. Even people from all over Syria brought to Him their sick and wounded, and He healed them as well. He will heal and deliver us in body, soul and spirit too.

- Matthew 4:23-24, 9:23-24