Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Jesus Awaits

Purple Flowers


Jesus loves us so much that He went to the cross on our behalf. Some say this sacrifice was not necessary; but God’s Word reveals that even Jesus begged the Father to make another way; yet, He submitted Himself to our Father God to do God’s will rather than His own will (Matthew 26:39). Jesus’ sacrifice reconciled with God those who repent of their sins.


Jesus was tempted during His lifetime of every type of sin that we face; yet, He walked in God’s Spirit and did not fulfill the lusts of His flesh (Hebrews 4:15; Galatians 5:15-26). God offers all sinners the free gift of salvation because of Jesus’ willingness to walk in God’s will for His life (Romans 3:23, 6:23). Jesus is our only way to heaven, our eternal truth, and our everlasting life (John 14:6). 


Jesus is also our only Redeemer, loving Savior, merciful High Priest, etc. He not only took our sins to the cross, but also our diseases (Matthew 8:17). He walks with us as He did the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace (Danial 3:8-29), and He also abides within us from the moment we turn away from our sinful lifestyle and trust in Him for our salvation.


Knowing that Jesus understands the issues we face in life removes the sting of bitterness and blame from our suffering and grief. As a “man of sorrows” He related to our sorrows. He was not, however, depressed, or despondent, or hopeless in His grief because He and the Father are united as one God with the Holy Spirit.


We too are united with the Trinity of God and one with them (John 17:21). We find our joy in this union rather than in the circumstances of our life. We rise above the issues that attempt to drag us down, and we rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4-8). He is Savior and He loves us with His free gift of unconditional love.



Father God, thank You for Jesus’ example of how to handle temptation, sorrow, and persecution as the “holy One of Israel” - for our benefit and for Your name’s sake. Carrying the sins of the whole world – past, present, and future – on His shoulders during the persecution, crucifixion, and death of His flesh was the most sorrowful experience He accepted on this side of heaven. Help us to convey to those in our family, vocation, neighborhood, community, and the world, this marvelous act of mercy, which He performed for all humanity.


His burden was worse than anything we will ever be required to experience on this earth. Knowing the separation from our Father that faced Him on the cross, Jesus even sweat drops of blood amid the perspiration that drenched His body. Teach us to draw grace from His example and to cling to Your presence within us no matter what we face in life. He patiently and silently bore our sorrows and griefs and suffering for us, so in exchange we could enjoy the blessings of His righteousness.


Thoughts for the Day:

Due to our sinful choices, we often grow immune to the idea that Jesus bore the penalty of our thoughts, words, and behavior to the cross. Through the sanctifying work of God’s Spirit in our life, sin no longer holds us in bondage or has much allurement to our soul. Like Jesus, we are horrified by the evil deeds occurring all around us, and we pray for God’s soon deliverance of us from this earth until we return with Jesus as the government is placed on His shoulders.

- Isaiah 9:6; Revelation 19:14; Romans 5:1, 6:14; Hebrews 10:10-25; 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5