Saturday, January 1, 2022

Tolerating a Toxic Lifestyle


Purple Bell Flowers 

Tolerating negative behavior from the significant others in our life affects our health and batters our soul - our thoughts, emotions, and choices (3 John 1:2). If we do not rectify these circumstances, then we may succumb to negative emotions and many physical illnesses that may even lead to a premature death.


Chronic discontentment and unfulfillment etch away at our soul regardless of our attempts to mask them, discount them, or ignore them. This is due to the fact that toxicity in any form - emotional, physical, or mental – will contribute to a lifestyle of miserable pain that increases over years of tolerance.


Unless we remove our self from this situation either physically, mentally, or spiritually, we will certainly suffer needlessly. The first method of self-preservation is to calmly and lovingly express to the offending person that we can no longer tolerate the situation, and appeal to them to work with us to change these circumstances.


We are both causing these negative responses in each other by allowing the behavior to continue over months and years of our interaction together. We cannot put blame solely on them because we are at fault here too. Our tolerance of their behavior, and the resulting negative emotions and actions in us trigger the response in them. 

Prayerfully consulting the Lord together for alternative behavior ideas, and healing our souls is the best way to reduce these circumstances. Using kindness rather than  criticism, forgiveness in place of bitterness, and unconditional love rather than impatience and other negative emotions will all do much to bring healing our us and our relationship.



Father God, thank You for giving us wisdom to shed the bonds of codependence, perfectionism, compulsions, false assumptions, satanic lies, etc. that keep us as a prisoner of tolerating and perpetuating abuse in our life. Help us to strengthen our relationship with You rather than to depend on people to meet our need for physical, emotional, and mental fulfillment. Remind us to spend time consulting You for Your purpose for us each moment of the day, and to find our fulfillment in Your presence in our life.


If we are subconsciously punishing our self for some lack or shame that we believe is true, help us to access the source of these feelings and to come to You in quiet, persistent prayer to find Your truth about these issues. Lead us into ministry opportunities to further Your Kingdom in the earth in order to refocus our attention on Your purpose for our life, rather than our own goals, expectations and desires (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:15-25).


Thoughts for the Day:

When we stop allowing toxic words and actions from negatively impacting our life, then our health in body, soul, and spirit gradually improves. Lovingly appealing to the person contributing to this negative spiral and praying together for God’s wisdom and solution to these issues will bring healing to both of us and will renew our deepening unity with each other and with the Trinity of God within us.