Sunday, July 24, 2022

A Good Marriage - Keeping Love Alive


The initial feelings of love we have for one another are deep and they inspire us to get engaged and then get married. This love is giddy at times, creates a deep attraction between us, and causes us to cling to one another more than to anyone else.


Feelings of love in our marriage change over the years, and this may confuse us, discourage us, and cause our heart to wander. If we focus on our differences, failings, and the little irritable habits our spouse exhibits, our love may fade all together. Embracing the changes is the only way to adjust our focus about these issues.


As we focus on each other’s strengths, rather than our weaknesses, love grows into respect, trust, shared moments, and a history that we are writing together. A wise couple will plan times to grow together, not apart. If we forsake our marriage for another relationship, we will experience similar issues in our second marriage.


One fault in marriages occurs when our spouse blames us for whatever goes wrong. Some people cannot admit they made a mistake or caused a negative vibe in our relationship because they are deeply wounded and already feel like a failure. However, taking responsibility and apologizing for our negative words and actions shows we are sincerely sorry for them.


It is the continual, small gestures that mean so much to our spouse. If we take the time to find out each other’s “love language,” we can plan events and actions that will cause them to feel loved, seen, cared about, and that they really matter to us. This strategy forms a lasting love between spouses.  



Father God, thank You for reminding us that expressing inflammatory topics, or pushing the triggers in our spouse that we know will hurt or upset them is not showing love. Our marriage is not a competition, but a team effort. Teach us that praying together for Your will in every decision we make is a key to keeping our relationship close and vital. We prefer each other and never insist on our own way.


Help us to refrain from judging one another or criticizing or dismissing our mate’s feelings, thoughts, and efforts in life. If a topic or choice is important to our mate, show us how not to belittle or overlook it because we see no value in it, but to take it seriously and make this a priority in our schedule too. We want to continue to share the unconditional love You have for us with one another each and every day.


Thoughts for the Day:

Activities and gestures that show love to one another:

1.  Place love notes in obvious places at home, work, suitcase, and the book they are reading. Post-It notes, love letters, and lipstick on the mirror are all good mediums for this.

2.  Send encouraging emails or texts at times during the week.

3.  Fixing our spouse’s favorite food, dessert, snack.

4.  Helping with household and outside chores. 

5.  Cooking or baking together, watching a favorite TV show, movie or sport broadcast together is also endearing. 

6.  Showing appreciation throughout the years by continuing to say “thank you” for what our spouse does for us, rather than taking them for granted.

7.  Giving extra attention or creating memories to cherish for our lifetime together encourages longevity and vitality in our marriage.