Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Free Indeed



God’s Word calls us to live as free people, but it cautions us not to use our freedom as permission to live a lascivious lifestyle. We are a servant of God, we respect and honor Him, we love our Godly family, and we respect the laws of our land that are not contrary to His precepts (1 Peter 2:16-17). 


The tribulation we experience in our lifetime often burdens us beyond our strength. Trails tempt us to despair of our life, because we fear that we are so close to death. These circumstances help us to realize that without Christ in us, we can do nothing of any value. We rely totally on His deliverance and our faith in His will (2 Corinthians 1:8-10).


Jesus suffered issues similar to ours; however, through His death He destroyed satanic power over everyone who humbles him/herself enough to submit to God and to walk away from sin. As His co-heirs to God’s Kingdom, we no longer fear death because to be absent from this body of flesh whisks us right into the presence of the Lord (Hebrew 2:14-15; absent from body).


We stay in bondage to sin as long as we pursue its gratification rather than seeking God’s face and following His precepts and will for our life. This dead-end leaves us fearful, stressed, weary, troubled, and depressed. Surrendering to God is the key to a fulfilled life.


We are not guaranteed to live through the next moment of time, so we should not delay our decision to walk away from sin and to run straight into the arms of our waiting Heavenly Father. This begins our passage into freedom in Christ. God never lets go of His hold on His adopted children. 


He holds us securely by His love, delivers us, and protects us. He knows each one of us by name, and when we call out to Him, He answers us, is present with us in trouble, and rescues and honors us (Psalm 91:14-15, 118:5). Freedom in Christ is the only true freedom we have on this earth



Father God, thank You for providing all our needs abundantly and in Your timing and way. We need not worry about any aspect of our life – spiritually, mentally, financially, physically, and emotionally because You know exactly what we need and when we need it. You care for all Your creation, and especially for every man, woman, and child You design (Matthew 6:25-35). 


Thank You also for reconciling us to Yourself through Jesus’ body by His death, and for presenting us to Yourself through Jesus’ righteousness as unreproachable, holy, unblemished, sin-free, and blameless individuals (Colossians 1:22). You give us Your assurance that although life is chaotic at times, You never lose control and are using everything in our life for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).


Thoughts for the Day:

As we rely on, trust in, and depend on God for each moment of our day, He will never cast us away or forsake us or leave us as orphans (John 3:16, 6:37, 14:8). Only as we abandon our efforts to guide and protect our self, can we come to trust in God alone (Acts 16:31). We are sinners in need of a Savior, and Jesus wants to be our Deliverer and King (Acts 4:12).