Friday, July 15, 2022

Loving Each Other as God Loves Us


Bearing with another person’s idiosyncrasies may be difficult but getting angry with them is not the solution (Ecclesiastes 7:9). It is possible when we realize that we are part of God’s holy, beloved, and elect to make an attitude adjustment. This enables us to get out of our head and into our spirit. 


God’s Spirit helps us to get out of our head, and to go deep within our spirit to show mercy, kindness, patience, meekness, and humility to our self and to others (Colossians 3:12). We develop the habit of resting in the Lord, waiting patiently for Him, and trusting that He has under His control the unfair advantages some ungodly people have over God’s Saints (Psalm 37:7).


The end of the scenario of our life is often better than we first realized it would be, and our patience works perfection in us as we learn to wait on the Lord to work out everything for our benefit (Ecclesiastes 7:8; James 1:19; Romans 8:28). In the meantime, His Holy Spirit is replacing our negative personality issues with His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).


As Patience perfects us, it also teaches us from our experiences and gives us hope (Romans 5:4; Hebrews 10:36). God’s Word calls us to interact with one another in His prescribed way. He wants us to encourage other Believers in Him, to warn those who live an ungodly lifestyle, to comfort those lacking in common sense, and to show patience to everyone (1 Thessalonians 5:14). 



Father God, thank You for teaching us to embrace patience, to focus our soul as well as our spirit on You, and to never lose sight of You in the growing perverseness in today’s society. Your coming is sooner than later (James 5:7-8). Help us to build our faith in Your faithfulness so we will patiently wait on You and not rush ahead into our own endeavors. Thank you that You always incline Your ear toward our prayers and hear us when we cry out to You (Psalm 40:1).


Remind us that the time is short before the Anti-Christ will be embraced by all the nations of the world, and he will deceive those living in that day by satanic forces within him (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12). Two thousand years is a long time in our human reason for You to prolong Jesus’ coming, but You give us all time to walk away from human endeavors and to wholeheartedly embrace You (2 Peter 3:9).


Thoughts for the Day:

God has all patience and comfort with us and for us, and He wants us to exhibit this same grace toward one another so all may be persuaded to believe on Him and enjoy the everlasting life that He provides for all those who solely trust in Him. God is worthy and calls on us to walk in His ways in order to prove our love for Him.

- Romans 15:5; 1 Timothy 1:16; Colossians 1:11; John 14:15-31