Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Buzz Words in my Young Christian Life



The buzz words in my young years as a Believer in Jesus’ atoning death for me on Calvary’s cross were “Do NOT pray for patience. You will get trials.” I followed that advice for years. Well, as I matured spiritually, I read a verse that drastically changed how I felt about patience (James 1:2-4).


I learned the truth about the role of patience in our life. Jesus’ half-brother, James, advises us to consider trials as joyful events for several reasons: 

1.  Trials test our faith in God’s faithfulness. They prove to us that we can truly trust God regardless of the devastating or simply irritating problems we face in the present moment.

2.  If we embrace the trial as coming from God while He looks out for our ultimate blessings in life, then we will see patience’s perfecting work in our life.

3.  Patience will make us perfect as our Father God is perfect, help us to feel less stress, have a reduced feeling that we need to control every problem that arises in our life, and remind us that God is always faithful, and we can always completely trust in Him.

4.  God always plants a seed for a miracle in every trial, and if we change our focus from the things which we are suffering to watch for that miracle to unfold, we enter God’s rest as we patiently wait for His perfect timing and plans to resolve the trial.

5.  We will lack for nothing, because God’s Trinity within us will supply all our needs in all the horrid events we suffer on this sin-cursed earth.


God’s Word reminds us that when we hope for things we do not see, we have more ability to patiently wait for God to resolve our concerns (Romans 8:25). We have better relationships because we do not get irritated with people when we have to wait on them. We embrace their foibles and idiosyncrasies with more love and acceptance (Ephesians 4:2).



Father God, thank You for teaching us to rest in Your will for our life. This gives us more patience as we wait on You to resolve the challenges we face in life. Trusting You helps us not to be jealous of people who prosper in life more than we do, some of them through stepping on others or taking advantage of people in order to guarantee their success. Neither do we entertain evil advice or desires in our heart to achieve our anticipated accomplishments (Psalm 27:14, 37:7-9).


Due to Your Spirit’s sanctifying work in our life, we no longer need to fear the future because instead we can pray about everything and thank You for considering our requests before You ever resolve the problem for us (Philippians 4:6). Your love in us inspires us to wait patiently on Your divine work in and through our life (1 Corinthians 13:4). You renew our strength, increase our faith in You, and give us rock-solid hope, as You also help us to soar like eagles, run like the wind without getting weary, and walk through life without getting discouraged (Isaiah 40:31)


Thoughts for the Day:

Patience is considered by psychologists as a virtue. Resent scientific studies of patient people show that “good things do come to those who joyfully wait.”

·      Increased mental health.

·      Greater satisfaction in finally reaching our goals.

·      Enjoying more hope for the unknown future.

·      More satisfaction with the eventual outcome of negative events.

·      Less depression and hopelessness.

·      More compassion for others who suffer in life.

·      Protection from stress’s effect on our physical health.

·      Gives us more self-control over our emotions and reactions and helps us to be more punctual for getting to work and meetings on time.