Saturday, November 19, 2011

Convenience or Commitment?

Read: Psalm 119:2-8

“I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.” – Jeremiah 24:7

So many people love to hear the direct teaching of the Word of God; and yet, decide they do not want to follow its principles. They flock to church on Sunday morning by the thousands; yet give God nothing more than lip service on Sunday night or the rest of the week. They love to sit in the presence of God’s truth, but not to walk in it on a daily basis.

People in Biblical days had this same attitude. The people in Isaiah’s day drew near to God and honored Him with their lips, but their hearts were far from the Lord (Isaiah 29:13). Governor Felix listened to Paul, and was almost convinced; but at the last minute he decided it wasn’t convenient for him to commit to Christ (Acts 24:24-25). Herod liked to listen to John the Baptist’s uncompromising message of repentance; and yet he failed to act on what he heard. Pilate met Jesus face-to-face and knew He spoke the truth; yet he turned Jesus over to the Jews anyway.

We live in a world full of religious freedom, with daily access to Bible teachings in churches, on the radio and even on television; yet, we still fail to act on what we hear. Our worship bounces off the ceiling of our churches because we do not have clean hands and pure hearts (Psalm 24:4).

Lord Jesus, place in us the desire to long for Your presence and to walk in obedience to Your Word each moment of every day.

Thought for the Day:
God is not our servant to do our bidding at our covenience, but our Master whom we follow in committed service.