Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why Do We Serve

Read: Philippians 2:15-19

"We speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel.  We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. We were not looking for praises from men, not from you or anyone else." - 1 Thessalonians 2:4,6

Working in the ministry can prove very frustrating and discouraging if we take our focus off the One we serve and put it on people instead. God calls every Believer to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ; so in some sense of the word, we are all ministers. If our goal is to glorify Him in all we say and do, then our ministry into people’s lives will not discourage us. God does not hold us accountable for the results, just for our obedience to His calling on our life
(2 Chronicles 20:15).

My husband is fond of saying, “If you shake my tree, you are going to get my apples!” He is always incredulous when someone comes to us for counsel and then walks away and ignores the Biblical advice he shared with them. His consolation comes from the thought that his words may someday still bear fruit in that person’s life.

So even if you feel unqualified to preach, teach or counsel, you can still share either a testimony of God’s provision in your life, an understanding hug, an offer to pray or even a smile. These simple gestures can change a life.

Lord Jesus, as I work in Your mission field, use me to help You to change the lives of those You bring my way. When I enter eternity, I look forward to actually seeing the effective impact of my service for Your Kingdom. 

Thought for the Day:
Our service to Christ is fueled by the desire to serve and the motivation of obedience.