Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fly Away and Rest

Read: Lamentation 5:15-17

“So I said, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” Ps 55:6 (NKJV)

Some commercials promise to zip the harried housewife away from life’s stresses, through products like enchanting bath crystals. The actress always whizzes through her chores after a calming bath. I admit I often crave for a magic carpet to fly me away to a place of rest too! Of course, I realize that my chores always await my return. In reality, escaping is only a momentary relief!

When I lose my joy, the dance goes right out of my step and then I entertain the sin of murmuring as my soul gives in to frustration, depression, and sometimes, even resentment. Outer clutter causes inner clutter, which results in these negative emotions overwhelming me!

Starting each day with the Lord always gives me His joy as my strength. Then, by eliminating and preventing outer clutter, I can keep organized. This helps me to dwell in peace instead of dissatisfaction. My day is never successful, however, unless I listen to the Spirit and wait on His direction as I do each task. He always has a quicker or more creative way to do a simple chore. I get done so much faster by doing it His way.

One day He prompted me to have a place for everything and to keep everything in its place. To facilitate this, I purchased wooden storage units of all sizes and arranged them in every available space in the house. He also led me to purchase stackable kitchen utensils, which make storing and using them and their lids more efficient. One of the most time saving ideas came when He encouraged me to store duplicates of all necessary cleaning supplies in each room. This allows me to whisk away any mess in a few seconds.

Everyone discovers their own housekeeping rhythm as they explore different methods. I used to try to squeeze all of the major chores into every day in an attempt to keep my house immaculate. The Spirit reminded me that a casually spotless house was much easier to live in. Now I like to do one major chore a day, and then touch up all over to keep things looking clean and uncluttered.

Lord, give me Your wisdom as I perform my daily chores, so that I have more time to serve You in areas where You need me the most. Amen.

Enhance your peace within by controlling the clutter without.