Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Greater Love

Read: Isaiah 41:17-20

For God has said, ‘I will never, never fail you nor forsake you.’”  - Heb 13:5 (TLB)

I read the other day that when the Bible speaks of love, it means a love that endures long and continually. This made me realize that God always thinks the best of us, wants the best for us and rejoices when good things happen to us. He is patient with us and defends us when others come against us. He believes in us and wants us to trust Him in all things, because He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Then I realized that God not only loves, but He IS love. Since God lives in us, His love does too. This powerful love gives us a loving character, helps us not to demand our own way, teaches us to give and to forgive, helps us to show His love instead of our own prejudices and teaches us not to speak negatively to or about anyone else.

Lord, rid me of my prejudices so that I can love everyone without hesitation. But also, Lord, help me to remember that I am a person too, and that I need to love myself as well. Amen.

Thought For The Day:
When Jesus stretched open His arms and died for us all, God gave us an example of how true love performs.