Saturday, December 30, 2017

All That God Requires

dew, drops of water, green

Modern society fails to surrender their life to God because they think He requires too much of us. They do not want to relinquish their covetousness, pride, pet sins and humanistic ideals and goal to anyone.

However, God took on human form in order to pay our sin debt for us and to give us His everlasting life (John 3:16). All that He actually requires from us is to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). He considers this as right, and it pleases Him.

We exchange our lofty opinion of our self for humility in Jesus (John 3:30), just as He humbled Himself and suffered death on a cross for us. We do not seek worldly acclaim for our accomplishments, and God's opinion of us is the only one that really matters.

God's Spirit takes all of the guesswork out of our decisions and gives us stability, fulfillment and composure. We adopt a faith-filled walk and mimic Jesus' life and mindset as our own.

As a child of God, we love righteousness (1 John 3:10). We do what is right and holy, rejecting carnal thoughts, practices and living. We learn to love our self and to love our neighbor (Mark 12:31).

Receiving God's mercy, we live with compassion and mercy toward others (James 2:13), rather than judgment and unforgiveness. We consider the needs of our mate, children, extended family and church family as well as our community and the world.

We find our worth in Christ and our esteem is derived from our unity with the Trinity. We burst forth in praise to God for all of His benefits and for saving us from eternal damnation, which we would have earned if we failed to believe in His grace towards us (John 3:18).

Father God, You reveal to us the completeness of Your love for us and You call us to totally trust our life to Your wisdom and power. We do this by entering Your rest and by following Your Spirit's guidance through each moment of our day. You call us to share Your love with those You bring into our life - both the lovable and the unlovable, regardless of their earthly stature or what we can gain from nurturing a relationship with them.

Thank You for ordering our steps and showing what is Your good and acceptable will for us. We decrease daily as You increase in our life. We put Your desires as foremost in our heart and mind. We seek justice and mercy all the days of our life. We give You all of the praise and glory, which You deserve.

Thought for the Day:
Everything that we have in this life comes from the Father of Lights who gives us all good things to enjoy, and He deserves all of our praise and glory for the benefits that He showers on us both day and night. 
- James 1:17; 1 Timothy 6:17