Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Heart of God

Free stock photo of dawn, landscape, mountains, sunset

My husband recently found out that I am normal; yet, I knew it all along. A medical report stated:

"People with mirror-touch synaesthesia are known to experience the same sensations when they see others being hurt. A new study by British psychologists now provides evidence that a significant minority of healthy people can also experience pain when seeing or hearing about others’ injuries."

That's me! Hubby used to call me hyper-sensitive...now he calls me synaesthesia. I call it the "heart of God". I am glad that God showed him this article, so he will dwell with me with more understanding.

God allows individuals to actually feel the pain that other people feel in order to prompt us to pray for them with not only sympathy, but also with real compassionate empathy - as one who has personally suffered much (Romans 12:14-16).

I cannot watch the crucifixion portrayed on screen, or hear about it in a sermon without feeling the pain that Jesus felt. I cannot hear the News on TV without feeling the pain of those who are suffering.

Of course, I do not experience the intensity of the physical pain the actual victim is experiencing; and I usually shrink up inside myself and push back on the pain, to keep it from penetrating my body as well as my soul.

I usually cry and grieve over their negative experiences as if I was suffering right along with them. I end up exhausted from the spiritual intensity of this experience; and I feel like a Mac truck ran over me.

I use God's gift as an opportunity to pray for those who are in the midst of persecution, tragedy, abortion, job loss, medical procedures, suffering, trauma, storms, car wrecks, etc. I LOVE to pray, and I consider this a privilege granted to me by our Heavenly Daddy.

Coupling this attitude of prayer with my melancholy personality, I often portray a negative aura. Many people look at me and think that I am worried or stressed or having some personal crisis.

They are shocked when they enquire after my well-being, and I cheerfully say, "I'm good. Thank you for asking." Most people think that I am unwilling to share my burden with them.

Yet the truth is, sometimes I am carrying the burdens of my brothers and sisters in Christ, a perfect stranger, all of the aborted babies, victims of human trafficking, those in the hospital and nursing homes, etc. They just caught me in the middle of my intercession.

I always turn my burdens into prayer, and cast all of these cares on God. He truly cares for us more than I could ever humanly care for those whose pain I actually feel. God hears us when we pray, and He often allows us to see the fruit of our prayers.

I believe that God gave me a blessing to be able to compassionately intercede for those who are suffering in any way. Due to the evil inherent on this earth, I pray without ceasing. I implore the Lord not only for the suffering of all of those around me, but I also pray for guidance for each moment of my life.

Father God, I love the privilege of sharing the burdens of Your heart. People like me prove to the world that You are not disinterested, calloused or immune to the suffering in this world. You care deeply for every individual and what we are suffering in this imperfect earth, which is full of insensitive people who are stripped of their conscience and even enjoy making other people suffer.

Remind us that many of these evil people are simply acting out the pain that they feel from the persecution in their past. They are attempting to alleviate their suffering imposed on them by those who were supposed to protect them. We trust that You will soon return and deal out vengeance on all of those who willfully imposed suffering on their innocent victims.

Thought for the Day:
Daily pray for victims of tragedy, abuse and neglect all over this world; and pray for Jesus to come soon and establish His rule over the nations of the world.