Thursday, December 21, 2017

Quietness and Confidence

 Mountain Filled With Snow Under Blue Sky during Daytime

Our confidence in life comes from our relationship with God. If we have no relationship with God, we must rely on our human abilities to bolster our confidence. Let's face it, most of us deal with life through our carnal nature.

We access wisdom to face the daily issues through our spirit ad soul, however, our Child-like nature directs our thoughts and feelings most of the time. God adjusts our soul by interjecting thoughts and feelings to dispel the fears and insecurities from our past.

This is often only "skin deep", however. Our true feelings from the past are still pushed down in our subconscious mind. They affect us every minute of our life, even if we do not recognize them in our conscious mind.

If we are truly Born Again, God's Spirit helps us to access the subconscious issues that influence our choices and attitude. We sit at Jesus' feet and He reveals Satan's lies that are creating our fears.

As we continue to seek God about these thoughts, God's Truth sets us free (John 8:32). In the quietness, God builds our confidence by healing us from these past wounds and by proving His love to us.

We listen with our spiritual ears (Matthew 11:15), realizing that worry only adds to our negative emotions (Luke 12:25-31). We walk in His light, which dispels the darkness and floods our soul with His everlasting Peace and Joy (John 15:7).

This eliminates much of our stress and anxiety. We yoke up with Jesus, learn from Him, and cast our cares on His broad shoulders. This way He helps us to carry our heavy load of daily issues as they arise (Matthew 11:25-30).

Father God, remind us that to abide in Your confidence and quietness, we must enter Your rest and allow You to heal our body, soul and spirit from the inside out. You have made a record in Your journal of everything that ever happens to us as well as how we respond to those events.

You will bring us healing for the negative circumstances, and help us to turn our joy and praise to You for the positive events, which we experience in our lifetime. Thank you for leading us out of the hectic, merciless rat-race, which we call "life", and for bringing us into Your glorious Kingdom here and now, as well as for eternity.

Thought for the Day:
Trusting in God's love and maintaining our faith in His faithfulness will ensure that our quietness will produce in us the confidence that God has everything - even the most negative of circumstances - under His control.