Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hearing from God

beautiful, bloom, blooming

God anoints certain people to function in the prophetic ministry. Certainly, many preachers are blessed with this function; but also, other individuals are so in-tuned with God's Spirit that they hear from God in a prophetic way.

Prophets never direct our life or behavior. God does not use them as our "daily horoscope" or compass to guide our steps. That is the Holy Spirit's function in the life of each Believer (1 Corinthians 12:7).

Hearing God's voice is a coveted aspect of our Christian walk. Prophetic "words" bring conviction, inspiration and counsel into our life. They confirm for us the direction which God is already speaking into our life.

Prophecy is intertwined with the word of knowledge and wisdom to bring us enlightenment, encouragement and a reprieve from anxiety about the future (1 Corinthians 14:3).

God calls His Saints to love mercy, to abide humbly in His presence, and to live ethically according to His Word, not according to worldly standards (Micah 6:8).

To hear from God, we first plug into His Spirit's direction each moment of the day (Proverbs 3:5-6), and we live honorably and morally. We prove our love to God by obeying His commandments (John 14:15).

Father God, Your Word is our authentic source of authoritative prophetic words to us. Biblical verses are fluid, dynamic and personal to each one of us, although there is only one interpretation of each verse (). Remind us to drink at the well spring of Your Word each day and to depend upon Your Spirit to enable us to abide in Your will.

Remind us that unforgiveness creates static in our connection with You and keeps us from clearly hearing You when You speak to us. Help us to love those who despitefully use us. Thank You for giving us mature Christians in our church family, pastoral ministry and counsel, and verses from Your Holy Word to speak to us.

Thought for the Day:
Refusing to forgive those who abuse and persecute us will keep us in bondage to Satan's lies and will prevent us from hearing God's voice in our life.