Saturday, December 23, 2017

Satan's Deception

Pink Petaled Flower during Daytime

Satan steals, kills and destroys (John 10:10). His purpose is to divide and conquer. If he can destroy marriages, he will also destroy the family and eventually the church. He declares war on couples who realize that Jesus is our whole life and who attempt to serve God together (Colossians 3:3-4).

If the devil cannot stop us from serving God and contributing to the growth of God's Kingdom, then he will use busyness, over-commitment at work or with our children, negative emotions and even apathy to dissuade our spiritual focus and fervor.

If he succeeds at conquering a marriage, or our spiritual focus, he can destroy our testimony and use our poor example to dissuade others from coming to Christ. He divides us and conquers our influence in our world.

Demonic intervention will also stir up in us a dissatisfaction with our relationship with our spouse, our best friends and our church family. We end up critical, Pharisaical, resentful, and eventually bitter (Matthew 23:4-12).

Human pride is one of the devil's greatest tools. He deceives and disillusions us about the importance of our spiritual opinions and beliefs. We stop seeing things from someone else's perspective and we insist on our own way. We end up acting in hurtful ways rather than exhibiting the fruit of God's Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

We are not obligated to pay any attention to the devil's deception. In fact, if we develop a deeper intimacy with Christ in us, His strength within us will enable us to resist the devil until He flees from us (1 John 4:3-5).

Father God, the only hope we have against submitting to the perfect storm of deception and temptation that Satan weaves into our lives is to walk in Your Spirit (Galatians 5:15-25). As we draw near to You, You will give us wisdom and discernment that will expose the devil's plans, as well as the spiritual strength to resist him until he flees from us (James 4:7).

We know without a doubt that Christ in us is stronger than the devil and his demons (Romans 8:31). We have seen You defeat him in our life time and again. We trust that as we walk in obedience to You, You will continue to set us free from his influence and interference in our life.

Thought for the Day:
Satan is the master of deception; he convinced many angels to rebel against God, Adam and Eve to disobey the one commandment that God gave them, and he makes sin seem pleasant to us; His goal is to wear down our devotion to God.