Saturday, December 2, 2017

Filling of God's Spirit

Pink Petaled Flower during Daytime

God's Spirit, dwelling within us, is our link to God the Father and Son. As our Comforter and Guide, He directs our steps as we submit to Him.

I cannot imagine the sadness and deprivation of living in Old Testament times, when the Holy Spirit did not indwell God's people.

Just a few individuals had the privilege of God's Spirit revealing God's love, judgment and mercy to the world through them. The prophets were some of these blessed individuals.

Through God's Spirit they told of future events that God planned for various people groups (1 Samuel 10:5-11). The greatest prophecies of all times foretold the birth of Jesus. God became flesh in the form of a man (John 1:14).

I have various sizes and forms of the Nativity in each room of my house. I leave them up all year long to remind me of the gratitude I feel toward Jesus' for His ultimate sacrifice for my sins (John 14:9).

Jesus lived, died and rose again with us in mind. His death preceded the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost, when God gave His Body the indwelling of His Spirit.

His Body is the church and His future Bride. As a world-wide community of Believers, we fellowship around God's Word and we walk by His Spirit (Galatians 5:15-25).

God commissions each and every one of us to share His Gospel, starting in our community and spreading to our state, country and the world (Acts 1:8).

We eagerly anticipate the rapture and second coming of Christ, when He rules and reigns in the new heaven and the new earth. Until then, we are all blessed with the filling of God's Spirit, who makes our life sure and fulfilled.

By His Spirit, we hear God's voice and enter an intimate relationship with out Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, which will last for eternity.

Father God, as we walk in Your Spirit, we hear the same revelation, cautions, inspiration and guidance that the prophets of old received from You. We have Your Spirit within us from the moment of our Salvation, and we grow more intimate with You each moment of the day.

We so look forward to eternity in Your presence as the Bride of and co-equal heirs with Jesus, our husband, brother and friend (John 15:15). We inherit Your Kingdom and we live to serve You for eternity. Thank You for loving us enough to die in our place and for giving us Your eternal life.

Thought for the Day:
We take baby steps in our walk in God's Spirit as we get used to His voice within our spirit, and as we learn to obey His leadings, even when they make no human sense at all.