Monday, December 18, 2017

The Performance is Over

beautiful, environment, field

Throughout our life, we experience issues that make a lasting impression on us. They invade our mind with observations, our heart with emotion, our body with health or illnesses, and they influence our choices in so many ways.

Confessing our faults to the Lord, reaching out to the unlovable, and forgiving those who break our heart will make a huge, positive difference in our life. This allows God to heal us from the inside out.

Satan plants seeds of doubt along the path of our life, and these lies make a huge impact on our soul. We can pray, read God's Word and memorize scripture; but even so, our humanity believes the worst.

Only as we persevere in quiet prayer, listening to the words in our soul that keep us in bondage, do we find God's peace about our issues from the past. God's truth sets us free from every deceptive web the devil weaves around us (John 8:32).

As we submit to God's Spirit, He replaces our negative characteristics and beliefs with His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). God's glory shines out from our spirit and lights up our whole world.

Total surrender to God's love and provision is the key to a fulfilled life. We let go of our works for God and allow Him to use our spirit, soul and body for His glory.

We stop performing our own human works and we enter God's rest (Hebrews 4:10-11) as we allow Him to work in and through us. We walk in a calm confidence that God has everything under His control.

God first loved us, and loves us still while we are yet sinners (Romans 5:8). He has a plan and purpose for our life and His Spirit directs us each moment of the day with God's ultimate goals in mind.

Father God, We serve You because we love You more than life itself. However, we often attempt to walk in Your ways through our own human strength and wisdom. We drop off to a troubled sleep each night, concerned about the outcome of tomorrow's challenges. If we will truly submit to Your will for each moment, and let tomorrow worry about itself (Matthew 6:25-34), then we will enjoy Your love, peace and joy now and for eternity.

As we fulfill Your purpose for us, we reflect Your glory to the world around us. We draw closer to Your presence within us as we enjoy an intimate relationship with You. We live in joyful communication with You throughout the day, and we rejoice when we see the fruit of our spiritual labors.

Thought for the Day:
God births new life out of the pain we experience in this world, and He brings hope to our heart, health to our body, and strength to our spirit as we willingly serve Him with every fiber of our being.