Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Making the World Go Around

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It takes all kinds of personalities to make a well-rounded world. God joins our life with others who have weaknesses who need our strengths, and who have strengths that will aid us in overcoming our weaknesses.

If someone has a different philosophy about life or a differing viewpoint, we believe that our way is better and their way is wrong. We attempt to change others to our way of thinking and feeling, and feel angry when they resist our efforts.

Intellectuals often disdain emotional people, because they cannot relate to these emotions. Others feel these emotion too, but have too much pride to admit to it, since they see emotions as a weakness.

Intellectuals enjoy the realm of thinking, ideas, analysis, a sound mind, etc. Emotions are too messy and demanding for them. They resent what they interpret as an attempt to control them, rather than to see the emotional display as a cry for help.

Idea people do not consider an emotional person's needs as valid and legitimate. They cannot validate the emotional person's requests, because they usually see no value in them, are irritated by them and feel trapped and restricted by them.

Thinkers build walls around their heart and resist the emotions expressed by intimate friends and family members. They get the feeling of being overwhelmed and even wounded by the intensity of any emotional outburst.

What intellectuals do not realize is that they are just as guilty of trying to control life through analysis, as emotional people are to use their passions to feel safe in life.

A great balance between the two starts when we respect each other and both use emotive insight and intelligent thought processes to direct our conversations, life choices and behavior. We start to see value and balance in wisely using both our mind and emotions.

Father God, You created our emotions and You ordained that emotional people will often take liberty in using words and expressing emotions. As passionate people, they get angry as easily as they laugh and bubble over with enthusiasm about life. They pray with sentiment, their compassion is based on their life experiences and empathy for others, and they deeply feel other people's needs.

You created thinkers because we need intellectual people in the world too. Yet, it is difficult for an intellectual to stop hiding behind their need for orderliness and literal facts. They do not want to admit their needs and vulnerability, or even that they feel emotional at all, because they fear being hurt more than they already are. You sent Jesus to break down the walls of separation between intellectual and emotional people, because He was both. Due to His sacrifice, we are all allowed to enter Your Kingdom as co-heirs with Christ.

Thought for the Day:
God puts opposites together to balance us out, and to bring harmony to our life and to the world. This helps us to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually as we learn to appreciate one another rather than to insist that one viewpoint is right and the other is wrong.