Friday, December 15, 2017

God of Wonder, God of Light

Orange Rose Flower in Bloom during Daytime

God gives us a format by which to live. He tells us to pray continually, moment by moment as we go about our day (Proverb 3:5-6); to bring our every need to Him in gratitude for all of our circumstances; and to rejoice regardless of the trials or blessings we experience in each moment (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

He even turns around the memories of the trauma and resentment from our past, and works out everything for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

The pain of the past makes us more compassionate, empathetic and nurturing toward our self and others. The broken aspects of our history, and the diabolical memories that plague us, cause us residual spiritual, mental, emotional and physical issues even into our present life.

We struggle with each negative past issue as it surfaces from our subconscious into our conscious mind. We battle with the need to forgive our self, the perpetrator of the crimes committed against us, and even God for allowing these events to take place in the life of a defenseless child.

As adults, we learn that it is the nature of sin in this finite world that allows such horrendous torture and abuse to occur. God planned for us to live in Paradise forever; He gave us all a free will; and He never interferes with the choices we make.

However, He always walks with the victims through these traumatic events. When the darkness of Satan's plans overtake us, God's light comes flooding in and His love fills every fiber of our being (Psalm 112:4, TLB).

The spiritual maturity that we attain when we forgive, as Jesus did, those who gravely wounded our body and/or our soul, fills us with freedom in our spirit as it softens our soul and heals our body. Wrapped in God's love we face His daily plan for our life with faith in His faithfulness.

Father God, the darkness in this world often overwhelms us; causing us to lose all hope of a bright tomorrow. The subconscious memories haunt our dreams and affect our health. Remind us that You care about every aspect of our life, and You want to heal these past wounds that still fester in our soul.

Remind us that in order for healing to occur, we need to sit still in Your presence with our journal or our prayer partner who can help us to remember our issues that surface. As we bring each item to You for healing, You shower us with Your truth and love.

Thought for the Day:
We free our self from the crushing power of the past when we submit the pain of our trauma to God's Spirit, and replace Satan's lies with God's truth; this allows us to experience the magnitude of God's wonder and light as He sets us free from our pain from the past.