Monday, July 9, 2018

A Good Marriage - Honest Communication

alpine, clouds, daylight

When two imperfect people join their lives together and attempt to forge one union under God, there are bound to be issues. Individual preferences, world views, mental and emotional strengths and weaknesses, etc. all play a part in how we get along.

One of the key ingredients in a good marriage is to learn to freely forgive and to honestly apologize. Growing together in Christ will enable any couple to unite is spirit and soul, as well as in body.

As each partner walks in the Spirit every moment of the day, they have compatible ideas, prefer one another, respect each other's differences, and have compassion on each other's weaknesses. 

God provides us with everything that we need in order to live a godly life and to dwell together in unity. His Spirit regenerates our spirit and sanctifies our soul, so that we can adopt the divine nature of God as our own (2 Peter 1:3-4).

If we are unwilling to encourage one another's differences and to blend together in as many areas as possible, then a war can break out that leaves bitterness and resentment in its wake.

Some couples make the choice not to grow in unity, but to pursue their own hobbies, interests and preferences. Some even choose to disregard each other's needs and desires. They disavow their marital pledge to put each other first.

They foolishly decide to allow their choices to pull them apart rather than to attract them together. They fail to make time in their schedule for one another, viewing all of their other commitments as more important.

Once they realize the imprudence of these choices, they can honestly apologize and forgive one another. This enables them to schedule time together, try new hobbies together, and pursue other interests together in order to find activities that they can enjoy as a couple.

Father God, the human psyche is so frail and so easily wounded. Help us to treat each other as we want to be treated. Caution us not to marry someone that has needs and ideas that are extremely divergent from our own. Help our main goal each day to bless one another in any way that we possibly can.

Remind us to follow Your Spirit's leading when we choose a mate. Then, help us to find ways to continually bless one another, to meld together in unity, and to serve You together with our life. We want to be a team that will humbly minister Your love, mercy and compassion to one another.

Thought for the Day:
Following God's direction on whom to marry will help us not to reap the consequences of our unwise decision by experiencing the curse of being unequally yoked with the wrong person; however, at times, God will lead us to marry a challenging person in order to help them to heal and to cause us to rely on Him, rather than on another human being.