Friday, July 20, 2018

Reaping Spiritual Rewards

Purple 3 Petaled Flower

God loves every person ever conceived. In fact, He knew us before He knit us together in our mother's womb (Psalm 139:16). He has a perfect plan for each of us, and He wants to be our Heavenly Father.

God is a triune being: Father, Son and Spirit. God proved His love for us by taking on the of a human being as Jesus Christ. Then, He dwelt on earth for 33 years, before sacrificing His own life to pay the penalty of our sins for us (John 3:16-17).

Sin separates us from fellowship with God and forces us to walk alone; however, repentance restores our relationship with the Almighty. He never leaves us nor forsakes us, regardless of our mindset (Hebrews 13:5).

Now He abides in us by His Spirit. As Spirit, He comforts us, and gives us His wisdom for each moment of our day. God gives us His peace, joy and fullness of life both now and for eternity (John 14:27).

Our loving Father reveals His purpose for our life as we seek His will for each and every day, and He gives us the power to walk in His plans for each moment of it.

Christ in us allows us to walk in the anointing of His Spirit and to obey the truth of His Word. He gives us an abundance in every good thing as we walk in His ways (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Bottom of Form
Our ministry for the Lord is a work of faith and a labor of love (1 Thessalonians 1:3). He encourages us not to be slothful, but diligent in furthering His Kingdom on the earth (Hebrews 6: 12, 15).

First, we seek the Lord's face and His strength, and He provides His favor and support throughout our sojourn on this earth (Psalm 105:4-5). As we walk in the Spirit, He directs our hearts into the love of God and eventually takes us Home to our reward (2 Thessalonians 3:5, Matthew 5:10; John 14:3; 1 Corinthians 3:8; 2 Timothy 4:8; Philippians 3:20-21).

Father God, we are so grateful that Your Holy Spirit strengthens us with all might according to Your glorious power. Remind us to walk in patience as we discipline our soul to follow after You with the intensity of a deer searching for and panting after a cool stream (Colossians 1:11; Luke 21:19; Psalm 42:1-2).

Thank You for Your Word, which is profitable to us for teaching, correction, encouragement in righteous living, and for completing us and equipping us for the work, which You call us to do. We also learn from its pages, the example of our forefathers/mothers in the faith, who have already reaped their reward in You (Hebrews 10:36, 12:1-3; Revelation 1:9).

Thought for the Day:
Our patience is extremely necessary in our walk with the Lord, because of the setbacks we encounter along life's way; however, as we persevere, we shall reap the spiritual rewards of our labors.
- James 1:3-4, 5:7-11; Galatians 6:9; Revelation 14:12