Sunday, July 1, 2018

Help Through the Valley

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We all have mountaintop experiences with the Lord where He reveals to us the personal reality of His divine Truth. This usually occurs during a valley experience of trials, difficulties or disappointments. 

When our life is on an even keel, with smooth sailing and just enough wind to fill our sail, we tend to forget God's presence in our life. We sit back and enjoy the ride, giving little or no effort to our day, but just coasting on God's blessings.

It is during the tempests that we get nervous that God is not going to work on our behalf. In truth, God actually works behind the scenes. He uses these issues to remind us that He is still God, and He is still on His throne.

Our Supreme Being is not an Aladdin's Lamp that grants our wishes. He is our Father God who cares about every issue of our life. He leads us away from destructive behavior and encourages us to walk in His will for our life.

We follow His example when, rather than codependently meeting the need of every person that presents itself to us, we consult God's will for this person and situation.

God may be using this trial to call this person into a deeper walk with Him. Every trial is an opportunity for God to work a miracle on our behalf. Our negative circumstance makes room in our life for God's positive, loving care.

This is one way that we know that God is real and that He abides within our spirit, which is Born Again from sin through the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

We never need to fear our circumstances, because God plants a seed for a miracle in every trial. It may take some seeds longer to bloom than others, but we can rest in the assurance of God's loving plan for our life (Romans 8:28).

Father God, remind us to follow Jesus' example and to pattern our life according to His. He exemplified for us how to walk in Your peace through trying circumstances all the way to the cross. His greatest example was that He never did anything except what He saw You do, and that is how we can structure our days as well (John 5:19).

Help us to see what You are doing and to join You, rather than to act according to our human understanding, desire or will (Proverbs 3:5-6). Remind us that Christ in us wants to work in and through us, and He will use our spirit, body and soul to accomplish Your will for our life.

Thought for the Day:
God designs our negative circumstances to draw us closer to Him; He is the God of the valley, as well as the God of the mountaintops.