Thursday, July 5, 2018

Vessels of Honor

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As children, we are guileless until we learn to lie to keep from getting into trouble, to cheat in order to win games, to instigate fights to get our siblings into trouble, etc. Then, we grow up living a self-centered life and wanting to be the center of attention.

This is when sin, which is innate in our human character, starts to gain control of our life. It grows in increments as we give in to the temptations to fulfill our desires and passions.

As adults, we have more frequent temptations to cross the line into depravity; and we often give in without any thought of the consequences. Even as Christians, we rationalize and excuse our thoughts and behavior.

Only Godly sorrow will bring repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10), and prevent us from giving in to the excessive temptations that we face every day.

As we realize that Jesus bore the penalty of these sins on Calvary's cross, we shudder to think that we contributed to His suffering. We willingly submit to the Potter's wheel, as He molds us and makes us as vessels of honor.

The only good news about sin is that God loves us, even as our sin breaks His heart (Romans 5:8). He quickly forgives all of our transgressions, when we turn away from our sinful practices (Romans 3:23, 6:23).

We can relate to the Psalmist's humanity as we pray similar prayers. We ask God to teach us to follow Him and His dictates; so that as faithful disciples, we can live in His truth all the days of our life (Psalm 86:11, 119:33).

When we listen for God's guidance, the devil has no room to slide in his lies. When we walk in the Spirit each moment of the day, we insulate our thoughts from temptation (Galatians 5:15-25).

Father God, remind us that there are no shortcuts to holiness. We must go through the fire as You purify us (1 Peter 1:7; Malachi 3:2-4); but as with the three Hebrew children, You are always in the furnace with us (Daniel 3:25). We truly want the righteousness of Christ to reign supreme in our personality, thoughts, words and actions.

We want to take a searching inventory of our thoughts throughout the day, so that You can reveal to us any evil inclinations that will lead us away from intimate fellowship with You. You are the Potter, and we are clay upon Your Potter's wheel. Mold us and make us after Your will (Romans 12:2).

Thought for the Day:
God searches our heart and knows our thoughts; as we trust solely in Him, if there is any wicked penchant within us, He will lead us away from sin and toward His righteous ways of living.
- Psalm 139:23