Sunday, July 29, 2018

An Eternal Mindset

adventure, beautiful, boardwalk

An Eternal Mindset

Although we are made from dust, and to dust we shall return, God uses us to show His power in and through us. He does not promise us a stress-free life; in fact, he warns us that we will have tribulation (John 16:33).

We may have trials overwhelming us, puzzles too hard to solve, desperate situations that have no end in sight, and we may experience rejection and abuse, but God makes sure that we are never crushed, in despair, totally abandoned or destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:7-9).

With a carnal mindset, we find our comfort and joy in things of this world. This causes us to be broken-hearted and to feel grief when we lose a loved one, have to move away from family, lose our job, experience devastation through a natural disaster, etc.

However, if we have an eternal mindset, it does not matter where we live, what city we move to, who we live with, where we work, what the temperature is, or in which neighborhood we live, because we know that we are in the center of God's will - the happiest place on earth.

God often calls us to do a task that requires great sacrifice from us. We have to live or work around people that we do not like, we exert effort that is too hard for us either mentally or physically, and then negative emotions bombard our soul.

We experience grief and relief intermittently. We feel shattered and bewildered, and at times deserted and rejected. However, God's mercy and grace make every issue turn out for our eventual good (Romans 8:28).

We may not receive what we desired, but God's provision is often much better than what we wanted. God cares about every negative emotion that we experience, and He will help us to change our focus from fear to faith.

Father God, You always walk with us and in us through the pain-filled, tearful, grueling days of our life. Age and sickness take a toll on our health and the functions of our human body, but You often heal us by Your grace. We look forward to receiving our immortal body to replace this old tent in which we now dwell.

You are our sovereign Father and we cannot ever thank You enough for Your perfect provision for us on this sin-cursed earth. Like all of creation, we yearn for Jesus' return to the earth, to take the government on His shoulders (Isaiah 9:6). We look forward to serving King Jesus for all of eternity (James 1:12).

Thought for the Day:
We decrease so that God can increase in our life; and we find His strength in our weakness, His comfort in our times of grief, and His salvation from the deep waters that threaten to annihilate us. 
- Psalm 18:16