Monday, July 23, 2018

God Knows Us Best

White Purple Flower

Human beings often hide our flaws, lie about our failures and live in worry over our weaknesses. We wear masks, create a persona, go to counselors and psychiatrists, read self-help books, and ”get religion" in order to improve our image.

We amass worldly possessions, wealth and lands, and change mates when we are unhappy, in an attempt to make us feel more complete. Yet, loneliness continually dogs our heels and seeps into our soul.

God knows us better than we know our self. He wants to be our mate (Isaiah 54:4-5). He will fill our heart so that we do not feel lonely, comfort us in our distress, and work out everything for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

To start with, Jesus paid for us our penalty for our sin by His sacrificial death on Calvary's cross. He loves us more than He loves Himself. He is our Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all things (John 3:16-17; Revelation 22:13).

God's Word also instructs us on how to care for our own needs, rather than to depend on or to expect another human being to take care of us. Our relationship with God makes us a better mate to our spouse and a better minister to our community.

As we read God's Word, He highlights a verse for us in order to let us know that He is alive and real in our life. He sends little hugs throughout the day - simple things that mean something to us.

God created us just the way He wants us to be, and He fills us with His Holy Spirit in order to perfect our carnal nature in every way. We have no need to fear anything that may come our way.

Father God, thank You for perfecting our weaknesses and increasing our strengths (2 Corinthians 12:10). You have a perfect plan for our life, and we want to fulfill Your desires for each moment of it (Ephesians 2:10). Remind us to focus our goals, ambitions and desires on You and Your Kingdom now and forever.

You are never limited in using us due to our failings, because Your Spirit lives, moves and has His Being in us (Acts 17:28). Thank You for taking away our shame, and replacing it with confidence in You. You are the God of the whole earth, and we worship You with our whole heart (Isaiah 54:4-5).

Thought for the Day:

We can rely on and trust in God to supply, or to give us wisdom to meet, every need we will ever have (Isaiah 65:24); He has no parameters around His ability to supply all of our needs through His glorious riches (Philippians 4:19); and He never leaves or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5), because He is eternal and everlasting (Deuteronomy 33:27).