Friday, July 13, 2018

Our Heavenly Father

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The character of God is highlighted in all of His names given to us throughout the scriptures. The one I love the best is "Abba", which means "Father". Our Abba loves us and adopts us into His family for all of eternity (2 Corinthians 6:18).

Our earthly fathers are/were human, with all of the foibles and failings of any human being. Some were abusive, some absent, some negligent, some broke their promises to us, some deserted us, etc.

We grew up with holes in our soul - our mind, will and emotions -- due to what we suffered from this dysfunctional relationship. Yet, our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally - enough to lay down His life for us (John 3:16-18).

We can forgive our human father's transgressions against us (Matthew 6:14), because they did their best with the finite resources and woundedness, which they lived with - day in and day out.

Then, we can enjoy the complete fulfillment supplied to us by our Heavenly Father. He cares about every little and big thing that concerns us (1 Peter 5:7). He provides for us through His glorious riches (Philippians 4:19).

He also disciplines us in order to keep us away from destructive behavior. Abiding in His perfect plan for us is the happiest place on earth. His Spirit guides us through every moment of our day.

We are body, soul and spirit. Our spirit is dead in sin until we ask Jesus to allow us to be Born Again. With a regenerated spirit, we commune with God all day long, not acting until we hear the guidance from His Spirit on what activity to participate in next (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Heavenly Father, thank You for providing for all of our needs, and for allowing Your love to flow over us like a perpetual waterfall. We are so grateful that Jesus earned Your love and accredited it to us along with His righteousness by His death on Calvary's cross.

We savor every aspect of our relationship with You, as You heal our soul from the wounds of the past, and as You allow us to take flight like eagles as we wait on You (Isaiah 40:31). Thank You for taking on the form of a man and laying down Your life in our place.

Thought for the Day:
God cherishes His authentic Believers as His beloved children, and He loves us with His eternal love through every circumstance, which we encounter in this temporal life.